
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

David Neely
  • Male
  • Honolulu, Hawaii
  • United States
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David Neely's Friends

  • Brendan Brennan
  • Timothy Webb
  • Michael Gaio
  • Rama McIntosh
  • Gus Higuera
  • Nicole Hori
  • Nathan Wallace
  • Zehra Abbas Zaidi
  • Kelvin Kakugawa
  • David Nolte
  • Burt Lum
  • jianshi
  • Ken Berkun
  • Bruce Kim
  • Sam Joseph

David Neely's Groups

David Neely's Discussions

Thank you cards for computer programmers?
3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joe Dane Apr 30, 2010.


David Neely's Page

Profile Information

Blogger / Vlogger / New Media Writer, Consultant, Database Administrator, Database Developer, Digital Designer, Educator, IT Technical Support/Help Desk, Network/Systems Administrator, Software Developer, Web Developer
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Web Development, Flex, Objective-C, PHP, RFID, Bluetooth, Networking, HCI, iPhone Application development, Android Application development, and Calm Technology.
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
ASP, C, C++, C#, Flash/Flex, HTML, Java, Javascript, JSP, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, XML
About Me:
Aloha! My name is David Neely. I am the Technology and Web Coordinator at the University of Hawaii's Manoa Career Center (

I have created projects in PHP and MySQL during my undergraduate time at the University of Hawaii including:

SendThisToMe - A web-based application to send emails without requiring access to an email client.
ISBNspy - A RESTful application that utilized the Amazon API to retreive realtime prices, ratings, and reviews from mobile phone browsers.

I also designed and developed an educational math app for the iPhone called Mathogen. Users are presented with math problems. Clicking on the correct answer pops the ball and advances the game. I am currently working on an update to Mathogen that will be released in 2016.

Right now I am interested in purchasing a Rasberry Pi to create a desktop replacement computer. I am currently taking ICS 613 with Professor Philip Johnson at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Twitter Username

David Neely's Blog

Posted Mathogen to Facebook

Today I posted Mathogen to Facebook. It's called My Math Coach. I'm happy to announce that it's now availabe 24/7 and completely FREE. If you like the game, please tell your friends with kids. I need 10 monthly users on Facebook before I can get into the Facebook app directory. If you're feeling kind please "like" the app :)

Mathogen is the first math game that doesn't suck. Mathogen is a speed based puzzle game. Pop the numbers falling out of the sky before they fill…


Posted on January 26, 2011 at 11:56am — 9 Comments

Weekend Success: Ported Mathogen to Flash for Facebook

Click here to play Mathogen in Flash.

Send me Feedback:

This weekend I successfully ported Mathogen from Objective-C for iPhone to Flash for Facebook. Please comment or email me at …


Posted on June 14, 2010 at 2:00pm — 8 Comments

Weekend programming challenge #2 - Mathogen in AS3 on Facebook

Thanks to everyone on TechHui for all the positive feedback for my Tetris clone, Gemtris. Today I decided to take on another self-imposed programming challenge this weekend. I'm giving myself 2 days to complete an AS3 port of my iPhone game Mathogen (… Continue

Posted on June 10, 2010 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Lessons learned creating a Tetris clone...

Action Script 3.0 is easy to prototype with. There's instant feedback because it's so easy to build and iterate. I'm planning to create on a picture match game next. I want to create 2 more games over the next two months. This weekend I set about creating a Tetris clone called Gemtris (view code) to showcase my talents and possibly… Continue

Posted on June 8, 2010 at 8:00am — 11 Comments

Every day I find new reasons to pursue game development full time...

With my limited Japanese vocabulary and clumsy understanding of the language structure I found it extremely difficult to hold up my end of the conversation with the people I met in Japan. As our conversations got deeper and blew past the hajimemashtes and domo arigato gazaimasu's, I found myself in foreign waters bobbing along the shadowy depths with nothing but a typo-ridden Japanese phrase… Continue

Posted on May 25, 2010 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 5:14pm on July 7, 2010, Nathan Wallace said…
Thanks, David! Your presentation/panel-thingy at the TechHui conference was wonderful. Mathogen looks great! See you at the next iOS meetup!
At 10:54am on June 30, 2010, Gus Higuera said…
Awesome man, gonna grab your album. You guys playing around town anytime soon?
At 10:01am on June 30, 2010, Gus Higuera said…
Heard one of our band's tracks the other night on KTUH, great stuff man
At 4:58pm on May 4, 2010, Gus Higuera said…
Ahh not for everyone I guess. Have you tried Heavy Liquid from Paul Pope, great stuff
At 4:26pm on May 4, 2010, Gus Higuera said…
Did you finish Snow Crash?
At 10:18am on October 30, 2009, Bruce Kim said…
I'll definitely keep you posted, David! Hey, I really like the "Making Mathogen" screenshot history. Reminds me of all the random notes and scribbles I end up with while developing. Of course I'm a lot more boring though since it's usually on yellow pads. The crumpled pieces of paper you have are classic -- you need to save those for sure.
At 7:29pm on June 20, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
Welcome David! We seem to be getting a lot of musicians lately. You may be interested in joining the New Media, Guitar World, .NET, Flex, PHP, Ruby and DB interest groups.

We hope to see you in the groups and forums!


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