
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Featured Blog Posts – May 2010 Archive (9)

High Technology Visas Show Slow Demand for FY 2011

Demand for H-1B visas, known as the "high tech worker visa" because nearly 50% of the annual quota is used by high tech companies hiring international computer programmers, analysts and developers, has slowed well below recent years' numbers during the current filing season.

This is of interest to…

Added by John Robert Egan on May 31, 2010 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Every day I find new reasons to pursue game development full time...

With my limited Japanese vocabulary and clumsy understanding of the language structure I found it extremely difficult to hold up my end of the conversation with the people I met in Japan. As our conversations got deeper and blew past the hajimemashtes and domo arigato gazaimasu's, I found myself in foreign waters bobbing along the shadowy depths with nothing but a typo-ridden Japanese phrase… Continue

Added by David Neely on May 25, 2010 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Building a tech community in the cloud...

I have been an infrequent contributor to TechHui. Part of this may be because I live on the mainland...

However, as I've scanned the site this morning looking for information discussions on, ExactTarget, ZoomInfo and other web centric application platforms I am struck by the absence of these platforms. I like to think of them as platforms because they are SaaS applications with strong emphasis on connectivity through API's. Yes, I've found a small SaaS discussion group… Continue

Added by Ian Gilyeat on May 18, 2010 at 9:57am — 16 Comments

Android TV: will it be worth owning, or just a rental?

Rumors are Google will announce Android TV at the Google I/O devcon. The timing of a TV platform announcement would make sense, hot on the heels of the VP8 open source codec announcement.…


Added by Kevin Folan on May 18, 2010 at 7:55am — 2 Comments

Improve Hawaii's Education Problem Through On-line Education

Improving Hawaii's public education system seems to be a noble but unrealistic cause - especially for those of us in the technology community who might have to wait years or decades for a positive impact (years that we cannot afford).

There's a real amazing site - called the Khan Academy - run by 1 guy in California that provides comprehensive, on-line, free video 'courses' for high school math and science (over 1400 videos online).…

Added by John on May 16, 2010 at 3:53pm — 4 Comments

Engineering and Risk Assessment Failures at BP, Transocean and Halliburton

Its been 12 days since the explosion, and leaks are still poisoning the gulf with 200,000* gallons of oil per day. BPʻs attempts to utilize a containment dome have failed due to the formation of ice-like crystals that blocked the flow into the pipeline and made the container buoyant. Now they are talking about shooting garbage into the blowout preventer. BPʻs CEO keeps whining about how hard it is to utilize containment… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on May 10, 2010 at 3:30pm — 25 Comments

Twitter on a roll, Facebook not so hot in Japan

Both Twitter and Facebook have seen a lot of coverage in Japan so I thought I would share some of the things that I've learned about these two services and how they are doing.

Twitter in Japan

Twitter seems to be all over the place in Japan. Just recently, Fuji Television made "Twitter" the center piece of one of it's newest TV series called, "Sunao ni narenakute". The TV… Continue

Added by Scott Murphy on May 3, 2010 at 1:24pm — 7 Comments

The Beauty of Hawaiʻi's Anchialine Pools

I thought I would take a break from my usual subjects, software development, Hawaiʻi's tech industry and policy issues, to write a few thoughts about my favorite little ecosystems - anchialine pools. Scientists have identified about 150 unique ecosystems in our state ranging from the awe inspiring alpine deserts of Mauna Loa to the world's wettest rainforests on Kauaʻi.…


Added by Daniel Leuck on May 2, 2010 at 5:30pm — 3 Comments

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