
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Alex Salkever
  • Male
  • Kaimuki, Hawaii / Mill Valley, California
  • United States
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Alex Salkever's Friends

  • Jason Rushin
  • Ray Tsuchiyama
  • keiki-pua dancil
  • Robert Evans
  • Quincy Solano
  • Keith Powers
  • Lynn Powers
  • Tom Hemenway
  • Barry Weinman
  • Gus Higuera
  • Tetsuzan Benny Ron
  • Yvette Kama
  • Zehra Abbas Zaidi
  • Dave Zuls
  • Douglas A. Codiga

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Profile Information

Analyst, Blogger / Vlogger / New Media Writer, Executive, Manager
America Online
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Anything to do with tech or greentech
About Me:
I am the Senior Writer covering greentech and tech for AOL's, their new business/finance publication. I was the Director of Technology Research for DeMatteo Monness, a New York boutique research company servicing hedge funds. I was formerly the technology editor for I run a Hawaii travel blog at (part of the FM Pub Federation) and also put together a research magazine for the University of Hawaii ( I am primarily a media / business development / marketing / strategy guy. I have no tech chops but talk a great game. Before that I was the technology editor for
Secondary Website:
Twitter Username

Alex Salkever's Blog

Congrats to the Bump Networks Team on Flikdate

A team that includes three co-founders from Bump Networks on Maui is about to launch FlikDate, a nifty looking mobile video dating app. They got covered in TechCrunch three weeks ago!


It's kinda like ChatRoulette but uses FBConnect for signups, so people are less likely to act badly (and they can be easily tracked and bounced). The monetization…


Posted on June 19, 2012 at 11:47pm — 3 Comments

Citizen Photojournalism - New Apps, Powerful Phonecams, May Bring it to Life

Here's the first part of an article I wrote for Streetfight, a publication covering hyperlocal. There are some incredibly cool things happening in this field. Would love comments on how you think this might work in other applications - maybe like Ushahidi except for video and images?


Is TapIn the Future of Hyperlocal?…


Posted on July 22, 2011 at 7:21pm

Hawaii as Social Gaming Mecca?

A constant topic of conversation in the Hawaii tech community is - what tech niches would work in Hawaii or, even better, be really well suited to the islands. One that seems to be a natural is social gaming. Why? A couple of reasons. First, our affinity with Japan (and close ties with the culture) give us a huge leg up on the gaming future. Anyone who knows the history of RPGs in Japan knows that Farmville (and most other Zynga titles) came from Japanese RPGs (or flavors of them) that…


Posted on June 7, 2011 at 7:57pm — 4 Comments

EMR Penetration Could Give Hawaii a Key Healthcare Advantage

Hawaii is already among the national leaders in lots of health care metrics. Cost of care and expenditures on health care in the islands, on a per capita basis adjusted to a regional COLA scale, is incredibly low - much lower than other areas of the country with comparable costs of living and economic conditions. But a new study came out yesterday that hints at the benefits of widespread use of Electronic Medical Records. Stanford scientists did some data mining and spotted something really… Continue

Posted on May 26, 2011 at 6:56am — 6 Comments

Featured Techie: Marcelo Kobayashi, Inventor of BioTOM

The Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory had a problem. For the Leonidas low-cost nano-satellite program, the University of Hawaii program needed to design an adapter to connect as many as 18 small satellites to larger satellite. Upon attaining the proper orbital or… Continue

Posted on August 1, 2010 at 4:00pm

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At 1:26pm on December 6, 2009, Barry Weinman said…
We could consider it but it is outside our normal sponsorships. We have a HiBEAM Boards meeting this comming Wednesday. How much are we talking about? HiBEAM is non-political so we avoid stuff like Act 221 which some Board members like and some ( like me) find abhorent. Send me an email at with the partcilars ( pitch) including cost and topics and I will bring it up Wednesday.
At 10:15am on December 6, 2009, Barry Weinman said…
good...but thats what Carnet said and now we hardly see him here any more---even surfs in santa Cruz while we have 40-60 faces today on the north shore
At 9:51am on December 6, 2009, Barry Weinman said…
Aloha Alex.... HiBEAM is doing well but we miss ya in Honolulu
At 8:35am on October 6, 2009, Lance Furuyama said…
Hi Alex,

I was just browsing through my Inc. magazine collection, and noticed that you wrote an article on Nau.

Great work!

At 8:49pm on June 26, 2009, Janice Kato said…
Hi Alex! Sorry I didn't check my attendance log on this site for the 6/29 Fed Grants Training. Thanks for signing up! Please email me at if you need more info on the workshop content, the site or parking. Thanks!
At 5:57pm on November 10, 2008, Blaine Fergerstrom said…
Hey Alex, Left SB back in 2001; went to Kamehameha for 4 years; returned to SB in 2005; left in 2007; now with Office of Hawaiian Affairs, having a blast! -- Blaine
At 6:01pm on July 22, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
Carnet speaks very highly of you guys.

That is mostly because Dan buys him drinks :-)
At 9:21pm on July 17, 2008, Alex Salkever said…
(sheepish look on face). Thanks, David. My apologies for PTC absence. I got overwhelmed with other projects. Hope things are going well there.
At 9:11pm on July 17, 2008, David Lassner said…
Yo! And welcome!
At 3:09pm on July 17, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
Welcome Alex! Dan was just telling me about your conversation. It sounds like you have been working in some similar areas.

You may be interested in joining the New Media and Renewable Energy groups.


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