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Featured Blog Posts – March 2011 Archive (10)

Hawaii Social Media Seminar-Come network with Hawaii's most influential social media users!


Your company is using social media…That’s great! You send a few tweets here and an update there…but see no real return on investment. Now, take your skills, campaigns, and your marketing strategy to the next level! Technology News Bytes, Hawaii’s leading news network, invites you to a preview of the 2nd Annual Social Media Summit. From the company that brought you the Social Media Summit at the Ala Moana Hotel, the Social Media Seminar will teach you the return on investment…


Added by Sanna Thuresson on March 28, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Can long-form journalism and rich media be a killer combination?

Confession: I'm a news junkie.  I like nothing better than to sink my teeth into a meaty, well-written article.  You know, those pieces that make you feel like an expert after reading them.  For a while, long-form journalism seemed to be a dying species, the victim of sound bites and 30-second video clips.


The advent of the iPad and e-readers are signs of recovery.  The real saviors may be apps like Instapaper and Read it Later, which allow users to store lengthy stories to…


Added by Marcus Sortijas on March 28, 2011 at 12:00pm — 7 Comments

Developing A Local Stock Exchange

A group on Maui has been brainstorming and doing some research on creating a local stock exchange.

The original part of this is to create a more open match making entity using the SEC's intra-state exception to do direct public offerings.  This would create a more open process and allow non-wealthy to also engage in making small investments, plus provide liquidity to those making early investments.

State Senator Roz Baker has introduced a resolution, SCR134 to create a study…


Added by David B. Fisher on March 24, 2011 at 3:35pm — 18 Comments

Groupon: role model for startups using cloud computing had an excellent article: How Groupon uses the cloud to scale its business. I'm sure there are other startups who've done it, but Groupon is one of the most prominent businesses that have made cloud computing a core part of its strategy from the beginning.


Although the company is based in Chicago, it seemed as if they read the advice of Mika Leuck in her blog post…


Added by Marcus Sortijas on March 24, 2011 at 3:05pm — 2 Comments

Silverlight and Unit Testing

Having spent a year in the Ruby on Rails world, I had become accustomed to coding in a BDD/TDD fashion. Ultimately, I craved my type safety and came back to .NET ready to apply these same proven principles to WPF and Silverlight development. No worries, I thought;  I had used NUnit before going to rails and, upon return, had discoveredStoryQ (a BDD framework) which integrates nicely…


Added by Timothy Little on March 23, 2011 at 2:37pm — 1 Comment

Hawaii's Amazon Tax Bill - The Implications On Hawaii's Tech Industry

Aloha, currently Hawaii legislators are trying to pass an Internet tax law. Yes, Hawaii legislators think you should be paying even more taxes. Normally I am not a political person but after reading this bill I strongly believe this is bad for Hawaii.


The scary part is If you take a deeper look into this proposed bill you will see it has a dramatic negative affect on Hawaii's tech industry.  This includes the entire online media (content sites, photographers, video, bloggers,…


Added by Dean Takamine on March 22, 2011 at 5:30pm — 19 Comments

Viral Marketing Case Study: Chat Roulette Love Song

Many of the best viral videos are spontaneous.  Friends are messing around and happen to have a camcorder handy.  They upload the video, and it goes viral. 


A group of media students in Denmark had a plan.  They would reverse-engineer the key elements of a viral video, and make one.


Here is the result:

If it sounds like these…


Added by Marcus Sortijas on March 22, 2011 at 10:33am — 1 Comment

Tech Start-up Visa Redux

About a year ago I blogged in this space about proposed federal legislation that would have opened a new visa pathway for international entrepreneurs with potentially viable business start-up plans.  That bill, sponsored by senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Richard Lugar (R-Indiana) did not pass into law.  This week the New York Times, in its…


Added by John Robert Egan on March 19, 2011 at 10:00pm — 14 Comments

I'm tired of installing software.

I'm sick of installing software. 


I'm tired of clicking Next 6 times and waiting for dll's to be registered. Why is it random people on the Internet can assemble portable versions of Photoshop but Adobe can't? Anyone?


I'm tired of being told I have to uninstall old versions of something before I can add a new one. See above. Also - mobile apps.


I'm tired of lousy software provisioning for desktop software getting in the way of me doing stuff.…


Added by Brian on March 19, 2011 at 4:29pm — 17 Comments

Thinking outside of the Flash Embed: An Introduction to Javascript for Designers

It's a no brainer. To become a better web designer you must understand your medium and the tools people use to create content for it. Unfortunately in today's post-Flash web those tools are becoming increasingly more difficult for designers to embrace. No longer can designers fall back on Flash's pretty GUI to fly objects around the screen and create awesome two minute site intros. If you want to be today's next gen designer then you will need to learn to program with Javascript. There's…


Added by Gus Higuera on March 10, 2011 at 10:00am — 8 Comments

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