
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

February 2008 Blog Posts (12)

funny spam



OUR REF: 10667FV

YOUR REF: 06654



I write to bring to your notice as a delegate from the Nigerian Government Reimbursement Committe under the strict supervision of the United Nations to pay 230 Nigerian 419 scam victims the sum of $150,000 USD (One Hundred and Fifty Thounsand Dollars) each. Priort investigation and internet database… Continue

Added by J. David Beutel on February 28, 2008 at 6:57pm — No Comments

Honolulu Coders meeting - Kevin Hughes on Sprout - Wed 6pm

Sprout CTO Kevin Hughes shares the lessons his team has learned in building a Flex-based, Powerpoint-type application. He'll discuss software architecture decisions, what makes a superior Flex developer, and notes on working with combinations of Flash, Java, Ruby, and PHP in a startup environment.

Kevin Hughes is an internationally-recognized pioneer in Web design and software, having made imagemap, which allowed Web images to be interactive, and contributions to the Cascading Style… Continue

Added by Sam Joseph on February 21, 2008 at 6:43am — 1 Comment

interview with daniel leuck

"Cross posted from"

interview with daniel leuck

Daniel Leuck is the President of Ikayzo, Inc. (, he is by far the most knowledgeable developer that i know. dan is one of those developers that really really really really loves to hack. the thing that i admire about dan is that he shares that love for software development with others; it's infectious.

i was lucky to catch a few moments with dan. this is a short… Continue

Added by aaron kagawa on February 19, 2008 at 11:14pm — 1 Comment

Bonjour Madagascar!

Aloha TechHuians,

We are leaving for Madagascar on Monday. Mika and I are very excited! Two ninjas and a gun-happy Ukrainian body builder (old family friends) will be staying at our place, so don't get any funny ideas.

We hope other community members will blog in our absence. The rules are simple:

- Entries should be about technology

- Entries should be at least a few sentences long

- We don't allow blog… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on February 15, 2008 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Customs Wants Your Passwords

I just read a rather disturbing article on CNN about laptop searches at airports. It describes laptop searches of US citizens that include forcing people to provide passwords for files containing private personal and corporate data. I've run across similar articles on the BBC and in the Economist. These searches require no suspicion of wrongdoing. The CBP (… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on February 11, 2008 at 5:03pm — 5 Comments

Aku Shaper: Swing Surfboard Design

Local company

Aku Shaper has developed a great web start Swing app that allows you to model surfboards for production on their high precision Aku Shaper machine. The app is incredibly easy to use, even if you have no experience with 3D modeling tools. The GUI presents you with a bezier curve editor that has preset points placed only in the areas that make sense for a surf board's shape. After you shape your board in the curve editor Aku Shaper… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on February 9, 2008 at 7:24pm — 1 Comment

Web-based Photo Booth

Have you seen It is a flash site which prompts the user to allow the flash plug-in to access the user's webcam. Then the user can snap a photo of himself/herself which is then saved on the web.

This would be a great addition to any social networking or event management web app.

Any flash experts out there done something like this with flash in their web apps?

Added by Truman Leung on February 7, 2008 at 10:41pm — 3 Comments

In-Browser Code Editor

I just came across a fantastic piece of Javascript wizardry which would work great in the content management portion of my web app. It's an in-browser Javascript/HTML editor text editor called CodeMirror written by Marijn Haverbeke. The editor highlights code as well as auto-indents.

Check it out: CodeMirror.

Added by Truman Leung on February 4, 2008 at 8:52pm — 2 Comments

Tech Picks: John McCain and Barack Obama

Technology pundits from around the blogsphere are weighing in on the primaries. Michael Arrington of TechCrunch fame recently endorsed John McCain and… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on February 3, 2008 at 5:00pm — No Comments


Local company

ChipIn recently launched an amazing WYSIWYG flash widget builder called

Sprout. Sprout allows you to combine shapes, images, videos, RSS feeds, maps, and more with a dead simple drag and drop interface. After creating your Sprout (widget) you can publish your creation on dozens of web platforms including MySpace, Facebook and all the popular blogging sites. You can track usage of your widgets… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on February 3, 2008 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Office on Silverlight

(cross posted from the Flex group)

Instead of wasting $44 billion on Yahoo in an effort to fight a battle lost to Google long ago, why not invest in developing office applications for Silverlight? This would allow simultaneous releases on Windows, OSX and (soon)… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on February 1, 2008 at 4:21pm — 3 Comments

Microsoft Offers $44.6 Billion For Yahoo

In its latest attempt to fend off archrival Google, Microsoft made an unsolicited $44.6 billion bid to acquire the most heavily trafficked site on the web. Maybe Balmer can figure out a better way to monetize Yahoo's traffic than Mr. Yang.

In addition to Yahoo's impressive traffic in the US, its important to note Yahoo is the 900 pound guerilla of the Japanese internet where it enjoys Google-like dominance in terms of search, advertising, auctions, etc. After the US, Japan is arguably… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on February 1, 2008 at 5:30am — No Comments

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