
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Featured Blog Posts – January 2010 Archive (5)

Project Management and Documentation Tools

The tools we use for managing software and design projects have evolved over the years. Last year

Scott added

Basecamp to our toolset. We've found its email based workflow easy to use, especially for customers. For small projects Basecamp is often all we need,… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on January 31, 2010 at 7:00am — 5 Comments

Haiti Relief - 4X Your Donation

Posted on behalf of Leigh-Ann Miyasato of Entrepreneurs Foundation of Hawai`i:

As you know, the devastation from a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti and multiple aftershocks of up to 6.0 in magnitude have left an already impoverished country reeling and in chaos.

Last week, the Austin Entrepreneurs Foundation launched a $600,000 Haiti Relief Fund to match donations from the EF network worldwide. Hawai`i… Continue

Added by Mika Leuck on January 23, 2010 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

AppEngine Datastore Overview (based on Java SDK)

In this post, I'd like to share some of my development experience with AppEngine's data storage facility called BigTable. As you might already know, BigTable is different from a widely known relational persistence (RDBMS) in a way that it deals with Entities and Keys as opposed to tables and rows. It might not seem too obvious at first, but object-oriented persistence is radically different from its… Continue

Added by Konstantin A Lukin on January 17, 2010 at 5:30am — 1 Comment

"Revolutionizing" Accessibility to State Archived Documents

I don't suppose a lot of people in the tech industry actually go to the state archives, but this entry may be of interest to many of you nonetheless.

I have absolutely no idea how many other states have archives that includes its own pre-statehood period, but our Hawai'i State Archives has archived documents that pre-dates its own statehood by more than 100 years.

Have you, or someone you know, tried to go to our… Continue

Added by Derek on January 14, 2010 at 10:30am — 13 Comments

Hybrid Native / Web Apps

We just finished a very interesting hybrid application called Ilio Fun Facts for the Army Corps of Engineers (mahalo to Native Hawaiian Veterans for pulling us in on the project.) The project provides free MacBooks to a group of public grade schools in Waianae. The MacBooks have special logins and screensavers that help educate kids about unexploded ordnance. In addition to being technically interesting it was one of those projects that makes you feel good because it helps the community.… Continue

Added by Daniel Leuck on January 12, 2010 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

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