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Scott Murphy
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  • Honolulu
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  • Brendan Brennan
  • Chauntel M. Busche
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  • Yoshiyuki Hashimoto
  • Ray Tsuchiyama
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Scott Murphy's Discussions

Open Laszlo?
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ben Kinsey May 30, 2009.


Scott Murphy

Profile Information

Web Developer
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
UX, UI, HTML5, CSS3, jquery, javascript...the show LOST
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
Flash/Flex, HTML, Java, Javascript, PHP, Ruby, SQL, XML
About Me:
I'm a guy passionate about front-end web development :) Was based in Hawaii but now living in Tokyo, Japan.
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Scott Murphy's Blog

Front-end Optimization Tips

It's said that…


Posted on February 15, 2012 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

W3C Spec for CSS Variables

Back in 2008, Techhui had a discussion around the use of CSS variables in the discussion post, Are CSS variables the future?

Since then the web has come a long ways and Sass and Less are pretty commonly used in web design today.

The W3C also has a…


Posted on February 8, 2012 at 8:30am — 2 Comments HTML5 Inspiration

Along with everyone else who's moved onto HTML5, I've spent significant time looking at the possibilities of the next generation of HTML. 


One frustration that I ran into was seeing the state of web storage being in transition with the W3C taking webSQL off its spec and moving to indexedDB.  That itself if fine but the problem is that indexDB isn't fully supported by any browser vendor at the…


Posted on February 17, 2011 at 8:45am — 4 Comments

Twitter on a roll, Facebook not so hot in Japan

Both Twitter and Facebook have seen a lot of coverage in Japan so I thought I would share some of the things that I've learned about these two services and how they are doing.

Twitter in Japan

Twitter seems to be all over the place in Japan. Just recently, Fuji Television made "Twitter" the center piece of one of it's newest TV series called, "Sunao ni narenakute". The TV… Continue

Posted on May 3, 2010 at 1:24pm — 7 Comments

So-Net SNS closes their Business

I just learned that So-net SNS, one of the largest user generated social networking services will be closing it's business this year. It seems that So-net and other So-net like 'create your own SNS' services haven't succeeded in Japan.

The problem is that the players of the user generated SNS scene in

Japan are all modeling off of how Mixi… Continue

Posted on February 24, 2010 at 10:00am — 6 Comments

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At 12:25am on January 30, 2010, Daniel Leuck said…
I think the new driver's license look needs some expert design advice.
Yikes! An adjective escapes me. That is an affront to all that is good and holy. DoT - Please do not inflict this design on the people of Hawaii. We will do it for free in the interest of the public good!
At 9:22pm on December 3, 2009, Daniel Leuck said…
That Design Hell comic nearly caused me to cough up a lung. Its only funny when it isn't happening to you. :-)

"I like the design, but can you do all the titles in uppercase Zapf Chancery?" Yes. I could also put my hand in a blender, but I'd really rather not.
At 12:00pm on October 27, 2009, Quincy Solano said…
Thanks for the add! Hope all is well with you Scott!

Quincy Solano
At 8:35am on July 10, 2009, Nick Mann said…
Good morning Scott,

It was great meeting you yesterday. I look forward to chatting with you more via TechHui.
At 3:17pm on April 21, 2009, Stephen McMahon said…
Did you ever end up getting a Mac? I have had to pass up too many opportunities lately because I'm Mac-less. I'm going to the Apple store tonight and I'm pretty certain that I'm not coming home without one.
At 8:41am on April 20, 2009, Stephen McMahon said…
Truly! Free is my favorite kind :) It is also cool to have something that avoids business cards. So I'd say it is a sort of green app.

The GUI Meetup is on Thursday. I see that you've RSVPd. I'm planning to do a little demo on iui.
At 7:58am on April 20, 2009, Stephen McMahon said…
I installed it this morning. If I see you on Thursday then I'll have to test it out. One more case of, "Why didn't I think of that."
At 7:46am on April 20, 2009, Stephen McMahon said…
Hey Scott! Check it out:
At 11:29am on April 1, 2009, Viil said…
Hi Scott,
it was nice to meet you yesterday at the GUI meetup. I really enjoyed the UI examples you showed us. Hope to see you next time :)
At 11:07am on March 25, 2009, Todd Cochrane said…
Thanks for the invite, live in Hawaii and did not even know about this site or resource


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