Posted on behalf of Leigh-Ann Miyasato of Entrepreneurs Foundation of Hawai`i:
As you know, the devastation from a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti and multiple aftershocks of up to 6.0 in magnitude have left an already impoverished country reeling and in chaos.
Last week, the Austin Entrepreneurs Foundation launched a $600,000 Haiti Relief Fund to match donations from the EF network worldwide. Hawai`i technology company Referentia Systems Incorporated and its CEO, Nelson Kanemoto, were inspired to generate Hawai`i donations for the people of Haiti. Referentia has challenged the Hawai`i entrepreneur and business communities to extend their kokua to Haiti and will match 1:1 up to $25,000 in contributions for Haitian earthquake relief. All donations collected will be forwarded to the Austin relief fund to be matched 1:1 again…so, for example, a donation of $100 to our fund will be matched with $100 from Referentia and $200 from Austin for a total of $400 in aid to the Haitian people.
EF Hawai`i has partnered with Referentia to administer the Kokua Haiti Relief Fund. Please visit to donate online, or you may send a check (payable to Entrepreneurs Foundation of Hawai`i – Kokua Haiti) to our address below. Referentia’s matching challenge will be available until February 15, 2010.
You can also help us by forwarding this message and the link to to your networks. Mahalo for your support!
Leigh-Ann Miyasato
President & Executive Director
Entrepreneurs Foundation of Hawai`i
1000 Bishop Street, Suite 902
Honolulu, HI 96813
808.546.2288 x223 tel
808.546.2211 fax
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