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Dumping jQuery


Dear $,

I think we should talk.

To be perfectly frank, I think we should see other people. I understand that we have a considerable history together, but for me to grow as a developer, I need to be able to see what else…


Added by Mike King on October 25, 2013 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

SQL v. NoSQL Shootout in the Cloud


Ok, ok admittedly it's not really a "shootout". We all already know SQL-based data sources are generally less performant and less scalable than their NoSQL counterparts, but they are also…


Added by Joseph Lui on October 23, 2013 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

TechConKona Brings Technology and Sustainability Experts Together For Big Island Biz Success!

Business Solutions Conference Set for November 2nd in Kona

 Crushing energy prices, food security issues, and lack of meaningful, well paying jobs plague Hawaii Island. TechConKona, a high impact, one-day conference is addressing these issues with ideas to solve them, as well as providing valuable job skills in the fields of sustainability and technology on…


Added by Julie Ziemelis on October 21, 2013 at 10:53am — No Comments

Hawaii businesses get social media talent with Alison Catalano

Ali Catalano joins Kamuela-based Kinoshita Communications as account coordinator. Ali will be developing inbound marketing and social marketing campaigns for clients such as Hawaii Resort Homes, Alzheimer's Care Consultants, Brilliant Studios by Tropical Imaging and more.

Ali joins Kinoshita Communications from…


Added by Laura K. Kinoshita on October 14, 2013 at 3:32pm — No Comments

Evolving Mobile Technology

Sometimes it seems like there is a new mobile phone or device announced every day.  It’s an exciting time when the things we could only dream about 15 years ago are becoming reality. What do we have to look forward to in the next few years and beyond?

Near Field Communication (NFC)

The technology allows interaction between devices and even unpowered chips or tags.  It’s already used in a…


Added by Douglas Ching on September 27, 2013 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Social Media: The Rise of Anti-Oversharing Apps

Could it be that we building up to a collective moment against oversharing? That social media posturing, "like"-chasing and follower-building have created a backlash and a hunger for less exposed, more targeted, and more authentic forms of connecting? Perhaps so, judging by the intense interest around apps like SnapChat, Whisper, and Avocado.


Fueling the popular disappearing-photo messaging…


Added by Tzyh Ng on September 6, 2013 at 5:32pm — No Comments

Maintaining Skill Momentum

Whatever profession you are a part of it requires some set of skills in order to accomplish.  The skill is useful, or at least someone thinks it's valuable enough to pay you to perform it. At the beginning of your career you are learning many new things every day.  Your new job/project constantly pushes the boundaries of your experience.  As time progresses and you become able to perform your job with less assistance from mentors and co-workers. The great initial momentum at which you learn…


Added by Chris Sass on September 4, 2013 at 4:53pm — 1 Comment

Transparent Interfaces

Just tried to explain what the floppy disk icon is for saving a doc to an 8 year old. Looked at me like I’m nuts. — Facebook friend…


Added by Mike King on August 30, 2013 at 9:43am — 3 Comments

Social Media Engagement -- or How I Learned to Love Oversharing

It's a fun and fascinating part of my job to dream up of new ways to use social media for communicating and engaging with digital users. And with mobile devices, opportunities for social connecting are infused in every movement and moment. So much so that talk of social media addiction is sometimes greeted with a glazed-eyed blink before those eyes turn back to a Facebook screen.


Obviously, some deep-seated psychological need is being tapped via social media. And of course,…


Added by Tzyh Ng on August 23, 2013 at 5:18pm — No Comments

Web security for the small-to-medium sized enterprise

There is no doubt that all of us have heard about the security breaches of numerous Fortune 500 companies.  From credit card information hijacks to content defilement, there is no shortage of news reports detailing the exploits of uber-hackers or hacker groups.  The companies that were aggrieved were so, in part, due to their size.  The acclaim for a hacker penetrating Wal-Mart or Citibank will be far greater than that achieved by taking down Joe's Pool & Spa.  But the havoc wreaked on…


Added by Timothy Little on August 21, 2013 at 2:27pm — 1 Comment

NYT on Big Data Being an Economic Dud

My friend Ken Berkun recently sent me a link to a NYT article that was more amusing than anything I've seen in The Onion. Mr. Glanz inquires, "…


Added by Daniel Leuck on August 19, 2013 at 5:00pm — 6 Comments

Are You The Next Social Media Strategist?

Is it time to solidify those social media skills with a certification? We got a great online class that would do just that.

HISMTI is offering a Social Media Strategist (SMS) Certification training course through the National Institute of Social Media.

This is an online class that can be complete on your own schedule over a 6 week time period starting…


Added by Sanna Thuresson on August 16, 2013 at 3:00pm — No Comments

<? Personal Home Page ?>

On various occasions in various settings I’ve been asked for my opinion on PHP as a web development platform. It is one of the most popular choices today, yet it is also one of the most criticized by experts. I personally have not touched the language for over a decade but it was once one of my favorite tools.

I remember doing professional web development during the first Internet boom in CGI scripts written with Perl. It was quite cryptic compared to the Java I was learning in school…


Added by Joseph Lui on August 12, 2013 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Navigating Past a Herd of HiPPOs

HiPPOs -- the Highest Paid Person's Opinions -- are a well-known pitfall and obstacle to creating a great web site or mobile app. Features or designs aren't chosen because they're what users need, but because they're what the HiPPO wants.

Well, another common pitfall is something worse than digital design by HiPPO -- digital design by a herd of HiPPOs. Usually, the powerful heads of several departments all want their desires represented. If they all got their way, the new site or app…


Added by Tzyh Ng on August 9, 2013 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Auto-Updating Enterprise or Ad-Hoc iOS Applications

I work on Enterprise iOS applications for a large energy company and do not have access to an MDM, but I recently had a requirement to provide an in-app way to notify users when an update is available and a way to update it immediately if they choose to. Another requirement was that it must be completely managed within the company's network, so systems like TestFlightApp were not an option.  So I created a custom UpdateManager class that I reference in my AppDelegate as such:…


Added by Stephen McMahon on August 4, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Knockout.js custom bindings (or how to make a jQuery autocomplete play nice with knockout.js)

The key to making any jQuery UI component play nice with knockout.js is to use a custom binding.  From the knockout site, this is how you add a custom binding:

ko.bindingHandlers.yourBindingName = {

    init: function…

Added by Timothy Little on July 29, 2013 at 9:18am — 1 Comment

Making a Windows 8 Store App with HTML, CSS and Javascript

With Windows 8 Microsoft added the ability for developers to create Windows 8 store apps using HTML, CSS and Javascript.  Here is a tour walking through creating a simple Windows 8 app…


Added by Douglas Ching on July 19, 2013 at 1:36pm — No Comments

Introducing Our New 3D Printing Service at the Manoa Innovation Center

3D Innovations, LLC: Our product development service offering is expanding and we couldn’t be more thrilled! We are proud to announce that we are now able to provide a stand-alone 3D printing service. This means that if you have a design ready to be printed, we can now easily provide you with a quote, quickly print your product in-house on our new …


Added by Lauren Nichols on July 12, 2013 at 9:55am — No Comments

Be "social" but also show your users you care about their privacy

Recent events like the leaking of PRISM have reinvigorated the concerns of many for their privacy online.  This is a broad subject, and I am by no means a security expert, but I would to talk about an easy way to give a little control back to your users.

It's virtually impossible these days to visit a web page without seeing several social media "share" buttons/widgets.  Making it ridiculously easy for your users to send your page to their favourite social twitbookfacegramsnapspace is…


Added by Chris Sass on July 5, 2013 at 2:29pm — No Comments

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