
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Roger Garrett
  • Male
  • Honolulu, HI
  • United States
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Roger Garrett's Friends

  • Scotty Solutions
  • Alan Chung
  • Thomas Terrell Robertson
  • Gorm Lai
  • Jerry Isdale
  • Tom Hemenway
  • Rob Bertholf
  • Ryan
  • Ken Berkun

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Roger Garrett's Discussions

1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Roger Garrett Apr 12, 2020.

Founder Institute : Chapter in Hawaii??
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ryan Jul 18, 2019.


Started Oct 28, 2017


Roger Garrett's Page

Latest Activity

Roger Garrett replied to Roger Garrett's discussion A COVID-19 APP WE NEED
"After writing that post there was an announcement that Apple and Google are pursuing that very idea.Info here: or just do a search for…"
Apr 12, 2020
Roger Garrett's discussion was featured


A COVID-19 APP WE NEED You go out to get groceries or to see your doctor or just a walk around the block. You may or may not have the virus. Someone you encounter may or may not have the virus. But later on you or one of those people you passed find out that they have the virus. How do you backtrack to to figure out who in your travels may have been infected? What's needed is a smartphone app that, as you're moving around, connects to each and every OTHER smartphone carried by the people you…See More
Apr 12, 2020
Roger Garrett posted a discussion


A COVID-19 APP WE NEED You go out to get groceries or to see your doctor or just a walk around the block. You may or may not have the virus. Someone you encounter may or may not have the virus. But later on you or one of those people you passed find out that they have the virus. How do you backtrack to to figure out who in your travels may have been infected? What's needed is a smartphone app that, as you're moving around, connects to each and every OTHER smartphone carried by the people you…See More
Apr 10, 2020
Ryan replied to Roger Garrett's discussion Founder Institute : Chapter in Hawaii??
"Huh. We had Founders Institute events here in 2013-2014, I think Russell Cheng of DevLeague was coordinating. Guess the chapter folded. I'm thinking we could turn to freshly minted founders from the local accelerator programs -- at least those…"
Jul 18, 2019

Profile Information

Software Developer
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Robotics, GUI, Inventing
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
C, C++, C#
About Me:
If anyone in here is old enough to remember Interface Age magazine (late 70s) you may recall a monthly column titled "The Inventor's Sketchpad". Well, I wrote that column. I also wrote a book, "The Complete Starship: A Simulation Project" way back then, describing how a simulation could be constructed using personal computers.

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At 9:00pm on August 10, 2009, Ken Berkun said…
Ah yes, I remember now. I simulated a tic tac toe machine that worked by beads dropping into buckets. No hurry on the scan, I have a copy in Seattle. But it would be fun to see it again.

At 10:03pm on August 9, 2009, Ken Berkun said…
That would be a hoot! Thanks,
At 9:01pm on August 9, 2009, Ken Berkun said…
Roger, I just noticed your profile. I had an article published in Interface Age. It was for a game on Altair/Imsai type machines with a video card (Lee Felsenstein's in my case). The game was Snake and you used the front panel switches to direct the snake. They published the hex code for it and I know at least one person entered in all that hex because he wrote a letter pointing out a bug. I knew about the bug but had left it in as a kind of cheat, it let the snake out of one corner. Oh heck, it might even have been Octal they listed. So, yes, I remember Interface age!
At 6:15pm on March 3, 2009, Mika Leuck said…
E komo mai Roger! We hope you find some fellow inventors and robotics guys in our community.

The FAQ is a good place to learn about the site. You may want to join some of the interest groups such as User Experience Design and Robotics.

We hope you find TechHui useful and invite others. See you in the groups and forums!


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