
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Holland Wood
  • Male
  • Kailua Kona, HI
  • United States
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Holland Wood's Friends

  • Rod Hinman
  • Greg Garriss
  • Tetsuzan Benny Ron

Holland Wood's Groups


Holland Wood's Page

Profile Information

Consultant, Educator, Executive, Manager
Ikehu Natural LLC
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Renewable Energy, Green technology, Cleantech, Software, Hardware, Startup, New Ventures, Entrepreneurship.
About Me:
Recently moved to Hawaii; Former Intel New Business Manager and current part-time college faculty. BS, Business Administration and MBA.

Holland Wood's Blog

A sad day on the Big Island

Guy Toyama, a true entrepreneurial gem on the Big Island, has passed away. Guy's welcoming smile and words of encouragement will be missed.  Prayers to his family and friends during this very difficult time.  

For more information is available here:

Posted on November 12, 2012 at 11:23am — 4 Comments

Local startup needs votes - just 2 more days!

Aloha everyone. This is a follow-up to my post of a few days ago.  Our project was featured on KITV:

Still need community support, so appreciate continued daily voting (if you have time) or just one vote.  Here's our entry into the Department of Energy's Apps…


Posted on May 29, 2012 at 4:03pm — 1 Comment

Local Start-up Needs Your Vote

Aloha everyone. I'm part of a start-up team that is participating in a U.S. Department of Energy contest called Apps for Energy. Our app and related cloud service offers consumers a way to receive points/miles by being more efficient with their use of electricity - I know, kinda boring...

The competition includes a category called the "Popular Choice" award and it's based solely on online votes. Here's what we need:

1. The app is called DRIVE™ Mobile App. You can access it…


Posted on May 23, 2012 at 3:08pm

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 8:24am on July 16, 2013, Tetsuzan Benny Ron said…

Long time no see. Hope to see you soon.

At 11:17pm on August 5, 2011, Greg Garriss said…
Already have lunch plans for Monday but Tuesday lunch or Wednesday evening should work.
At 6:42pm on August 5, 2011, Greg Garriss said…

 Sure.. Afternoons / evenings usually work best this week unless I have check ins.  

At 5:36pm on August 5, 2011, Greg Garriss said…

Aloha kaua,

I like to stay busy.. 30 years as a corporate gadgeteer / asker of questions with GE, Boeing  and a Seattle startup.  Now I run a B&B, make traditional Hawaiian tools, code websites for friends and design/build the occasional gadget.  You have an interesting "CV" as well.

At 2:59am on July 31, 2011, David Clement said…

Aloha oe, Holland.


Is Ikehu Natural a startup consultancy in green technology by any chance? I'm  guessing, from seeing your areas of interest. Possibly we have some interests in common, for I spent five years as a consultant in Smart Grid development. Green technology usually has to be smarter than 'brown' technology, so the databases are  crucial.







web design, web development, localization

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