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Maui's Maker, CoWorking, Incubator, Accelerator Spaces 4 Replies

Started by Jerry Isdale. Last reply by Jerry Isdale Jun 21, 2012.

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Comment by Jerry Isdale on July 25, 2010 at 7:47pm
Lynn - the maker space/fab lab can be much like the 'learning in real time while doing real things'. One trick is to find people who can teach, and having the equipment on/with which to do. An affiliation with a university can be helpful finding the people/grant $, etc. The Fab Lab Academy is showing promise as a distributed (world wide) network of centers that offer distance learning lectures to share the teachers, with locally owned/operated equipment. I'm hoping we can fashion such a partnership on Maui. We also have a good diverse local talent base that can help teach others - and a location that can easily attract visiting instructors for short seminars/workshops. My discussions with people over on mainland generally leads potential instructors to just about volunteer their time in exchange for a place to stay.
Comment by David B. Fisher on July 24, 2010 at 5:01pm
Hawaii2050scenarios.pdf This is a link to the Hawaii2050 scenarios that Les mentions created by the UH Futures group. Very provocative reading. Maybe too much, they were used as a start of the HI2050 process, but dropped in favor of a more traditional focus group approach without exposure to alternative futures. The resulting report, after two years of community meetings, which you can download at is nice but not very imaginative. Also here is a segment from the report of a year long process called Maui Higher Education Futures back in '96 with over 200 participants including people from Harvard's continuing education program, Oberlin, the Navy Post Grad School and the usual cast of characters on Maui. Linda Lingle was mayor then, and the net result was $200k a year for the UH Outreach Center at MCC. I have a copy of the full proceedings, but they never followed my recommendation to put it up on the web. I scanned a few pages to provide a taste. htto://
Comment by Lynn Rasmussen on July 24, 2010 at 4:36pm
I think that I prefer a research center/think tank over the baggage and politics of a university. Projects and research. Learning in real time while doing real things. From the beginning structured to evolve.
Comment by David B. Fisher on July 24, 2010 at 2:39pm
Btw, I agree that "Tech" is limiting. Maybe we should do East Maui University as hypothesized in the Hawaii2050 Scenarios. I have also considered creating CoolProjectsU but have been waiting for the right coolaborators.

Have seen the NYU pres before. Makes me proud to be an alum of the biz school.
Comment by David B. Fisher on July 24, 2010 at 2:21pm
Probably..on the RSS feed. Dan would know how and as group and TechHui host, would have permissions if we don't.

Yes, that was really an interesting presentation and group last night. Sixty plus on site and another 16 or so via 2nd Life. A lot of new faces, although no intros--unless I missed arriving 5 minutes late.

I did see Maui News Reporter Harry Eagar who used to be a regular at the North Shore techie gatherings. He is a member of the Skeptics group that you belong to, Reichart. Also John Messerschmith who works at IFA and I used to play in a band with.

Yes we could easily double membership here.
Comment by Les Vogel on July 24, 2010 at 12:34pm
I just watched Mark Sexton, President of NYU, on Charlie Rose. It's probably one of the most idea dense interview's I've seen in a long time. I think taking some of his ideas and combining them with the Hawaii 2050 ideas for Maui, like getting a world class Eco University on Maui, (in Hana), would be a worth while activity. If we can't get that far, perhaps it's just a good conversation starter for our next dinner.
Comment by Ben Ward on July 23, 2010 at 2:14pm
I have been known to haul a jib in my day.
Let me know when you guys are going.
Comment by Brian Thomas on July 23, 2010 at 12:31pm
Thanks Doug. Lets go for a techies sail one day as you and Jerry are sailors plus I know more may want to go.
Comment by Doug Nelson on July 23, 2010 at 12:13pm
Thanks for the announcement Reichart.

I just spent 10 minutes (inconclusively) trying to determine whether the quotation in Armstrong's sig ("The best way to predict the future...") is really from Drucker, or from Alan Kay (my original assumption). Turns out Abraham Lincoln is also credited in some corners. Confounding.

Brian, have a great race!
Comment by Brian Thomas on July 23, 2010 at 11:49am
That would be very interesting from an historic standpoint also from a navigation/sailing perspective. I will however be using modern navigation and racing instruments off Lahaina this evening skippering a race boat. Maybe you can summarize for us that can't go. Have fun.

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