
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community


Game Developers

Group for game developers in Hawaii

Members: 81
Latest Activity: Mar 5, 2017

Game Jobs/Indie Projects/Posts

It would benefit everyone if any of you heard of any game companies or indie projects looking for extra help.

Please share them in the discussion below!

Discussion Forum

iPad Game Development 1 Reply

Started by Don Kosak. Last reply by Zhien Wang Apr 13, 2016.

Hawaii Island Game Developers 2 Replies

Started by Don Kosak. Last reply by Zhien Wang Apr 13, 2016.

Flash Game Hawaii 4 Replies

Started by John Barrett. Last reply by John Barrett Jul 29, 2013.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Daniel Leuck on December 8, 2011 at 7:21pm

Hi Doug - There are numerous game developers participating including Tim Webb and Peter Justeson from IGDA.

Comment by Doug Nelson on December 8, 2011 at 5:30pm

Is anyone from the game group attending the conference this Saturday? I'm flying over from Maui, and I'd be interested in meeting up with fellow game producers and developers. 

Comment by Sam Joseph on October 31, 2011 at 11:50pm
the chrome app store seems to be a way of packaging any game available over the web, i.e. language agnostic, which is pretty damn cool.  I'm trying to get my game programming/ design students to package up their games in Chrome - we'll see if we can get something kicked out by the end of the semester:
Comment by Jim Punkrockford on October 31, 2011 at 10:55pm
so these new apps for google chrome? i don't have an android phone, are they all android apps ported over? some seem flash, not java. some seem facebook specific(i don't have facebook either)  and some might be HTML5? the list of available stuff is growing fast are people doing anything or just re compiling previous stuff? anyone done this yet?
Comment by Kevin Luttrell on October 29, 2011 at 5:57pm

I just finished working on this personal 3D VFX project last week and considering it for my reel (since that's part of this discussion).

Although this isn't specifically a gaming video per se, it would be nice to get some qualitative feedback from this group since I kind of work in a vacuum. A lot went went into this. I handled the modeling, rigging, technical direction, lighting, textures, rendering with Vray, compositing in Nuke, After Effects and sound editing and engineering.

I'm currently working a breakdown piece and an interior shot of the cockpit with working video monitors and an animated pilot with windows that reflect the exterior scene.. But, one step at a time.


Best viewed at 1080P and FULL SCREEN!



Comment by John Barrett on October 12, 2011 at 2:39pm


The Hawaii Flash Group is putting on a live event on the net for flash gaming. The event will consist of:

tips & tricks

into flash game dev





for more information, please visit:

Comment by Jim Langford on October 10, 2011 at 8:12am

Hi Brian,

We are currently building out a studio and looking at reels.  Please send.



Comment by Jeremy Yadao on October 10, 2011 at 8:05am
Wow, would that be Hawaii Animation Studio?  Thats terrible, I refered some of my classmates who were media arts and animation students.  I even sparked a few intrests from my instuctors.  Good luck in your search!  I hope more studios will come to Hawaii.
Comment by Brian Bueza on October 10, 2011 at 8:01am
Jeremy, the animation studio I used to work at, HAS, has closed indefinitely. You may have had a chance there, though I was part of the group that helped the production manager review demo reels from artists from all over, plenty of folks would like to live and work in Hawaii. My colleagues and myself, are looking for 3D CG / animation jobs as well, and several of them have relocated (back) to the mainland. Judging by what's available here, and on the mainland, (let alone the entire world) it would appear as though most of the opportunity is on the mainland. Personally, I cannot relocate as I have my own new family, here. Jim, do you employ a "staff" of farm pieces of work out? Best regards to all, -Brian
Comment by John Barrett on October 10, 2011 at 7:17am

Just wanted everybody to know that the next Hawaii Flash Meeting will be on Flash Gaming. it is a remote talk. You can find more about the meeting here:


The URL for the meeting is:


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