
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community



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Flash Camp Hawaii

Started by John Barrett Dec 3, 2012.

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Comment by John Barrett on October 19, 2009 at 10:46pm
Hi Gus,
yes for sure we will be discussing FDT in the very near future even if I have to put something together myself! I love FDT it is the first program that I open when I start the computer, along with flash of course. Still trying to get my head wrapped around ANT, but I am slowing getting there.

Are you using FDT?

Yeah I have been going over Flex in a week, and I was thinking this would make a good talk for the group. I am not sure if I am the best guy for the talk, but if I can't get anybody that will be the plan`-`

Speaking of flash the actions panel is getting a much needed improvement, a real code editor!
Comment by Gus Higuera on October 19, 2009 at 10:37pm
we'll have to discuss FDT some other time John, still curious about it. On another note, for those who plan to attend John's session here a great resource for Flash, Flex and Actionscript tutorials
Comment by John Barrett on September 18, 2009 at 10:43pm
@ Gus Higuera you can join the "Hawaii Flash User Group" here:

There are instructions how to join on the right side. Easy:
sign up for an adobe ID(if you don't have one)
click join`-`
Any Question just ask me`-`

In case you are interested FDT is doing a special presentation on actionscript coding`-` using FDT

@Harley we need to get together for the FDT event, it is going to be such a great event!

@Susan I run the Hawaii Flash User Group at the University of Hawaii (see above link for information about the group) Is this an event for Flex, or a class that you are trying to put together.

I have not a flex guy I code in FDT do everything else in Flash CS 4. I have only done a few Flash Remoting/ColdFusion Projects, but I have a friend that might be interested. I will send him your mail, and maybe you guys can chat`-`

Feel free to e-mail with any questions.
Comment by Harley Powers Parks on September 18, 2009 at 12:05pm
Daniel is right about the framework. The flash player is the virtual machine which handles all of the security and browser requirements. This is one of the reasons why one would want to use the player. Adobe Air does provide access to the file system and is less secure, but there are plenty of restrictions. What I think is an important development for both air and the flash player is Adobe is starting to allow developers to get access to some of the computer system hardware, like the graphics card. on my wish list is more 3d capability, as this is pretty limited with flash 10, papervision, swift, or any of the rest, but I really am hoping for some development which uses a scene graph along with some opengl.
But the difference between the Flash and Flex authoring tools... Flash provides the means for development using a timeline, to animate in 2d and some 3d, along with AS3 or AS2 coding. Flash Builder (once flex builder) provides a xml and as3 development environment which is onle AS3. The complier coverts the mxml into AS3 which is run through the Flash VM2. the flash player contains a backward compatiable VM1 for the old version of actionscript. So the Difference between the development environment is Flash uses a timeline, frame, and stage layout which can use as2 or as3, vs, a more structured xml and AS3 which is more geard to an oop paradigm. So if you are very creative and designer like you might like to make movies using Flash.. or if you need more structure and need to animate and visualize data from databases you might enjoy Flex or Flash Builder. By the way, Keep an eye out on Catalyst which also helps with the design of the interface and can help break down large developement projects into small parts.
Comment by Susan Horowitz on September 18, 2009 at 12:03pm
I was thinking about a day long session - but that would be a discussion with the presenter.
Comment by Gus Higuera on September 18, 2009 at 11:40am
Harley, I am moving to Hawaii in a couple weeks. How would I join your group and Johns flash group?
Comment by Harley Powers Parks on September 18, 2009 at 11:31am
Susan: I run "In Visual Form", Adobe Flex Community User Group Downtown. John Barret runs the Flash user group at UH. So we try to coordinate meetings and events. we run through examples and provide 1 hr classes. how extensive is the event? I have a few getting started with flex books, we should be able to order more if there is time.
Comment by Susan Horowitz on September 18, 2009 at 10:45am
Doug - lets' talk about a workshop. Can you email me at
Comment by Doug Hagan on September 17, 2009 at 3:55pm
RE: Flex intro. I might be interested, but complicated a bit by the fact that I'm on Maui. What exactly do you have in mind? Who is the target audience?
Comment by Susan Horowitz on September 17, 2009 at 2:33pm
Is anyone interested in teaching a one day intro to Flex at Pacific New Media?

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