
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Hawaii Flash User group is presenting What's New in Flash Player 10.1

sorry about the short notice, but I am happy to announce that the Hawaii Flash User Group will be having a talk about the new features in Flash Player 10.1 with Omar Gonzalez who is a Senior Software Architect for Almer/Blank & Manger of the LA Flash User Group. He will be giving this talk on-line through Adobe connect.

The meeting will be help at 5:00 pm on July 8th.

This event will be a chance for you to come learn all the new & exciting features in Flash Player 10.1!

you can see some of the new features of flash player 10.1 here -

Also, be sure to check out -  6 lesser known features in Flash Player 10.1

I am particularly very excited about this talk, and I would like to thanks Omar very much for giving this talk!!

The meeting will be live over Adobe Connect, and all are welcome to attend, but please RSVP if you are planning to attend.

You can view more about the event on the HFUG group's site:

I know being at 5:00 pm at the University makes it hard for some to attend, but it will be hosted live on the net as well, so if you are interested in the new features of Flash Player 10.1, this is going to be a great meeting!

I hope everybody will be able to attend either live  or on-line!



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