
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community



Discussion of the Eclipse IDE which is used by Java, PHP, C++, Ruby, ProjectZero, Cloud Computing, Modeling and much more.

Location: Honolulu, HI
Members: 50
Latest Activity: Apr 10, 2017

The Eclipse Group at PF Changs on St. Patty's Day

Discussion Forum

Eclipse Users Group Reboot 3 Replies

Started by Daniel Leuck. Last reply by George Mar 22, 2011.

Google App Engine and Java 2 Replies

Started by Douglas Ching. Last reply by Konstantin A Lukin Jul 14, 2009.

Improving code with Eclipse plugins 2 Replies

Started by WatchSound. Last reply by WatchSound Jul 2, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Steven Sakata on December 17, 2008 at 3:42pm
The 1st day time meeting in the Capital district went well we had about 20 attendees.
Comment by Greg Hester on December 16, 2008 at 9:56pm
Nikolas, I'm anxious to hear about android and Eclipse. I think Josiah has messed with this some. Maybe you would like to present your findings early next year?

Dan, Thanks for being at the meeting today and participating. You bring lots to the table and its appreciated. At the meeting, you asked if pure Java topics could be discussed and the answer is absolutely YES. If you have one, lets get it on the topics list and plan for you to present.
Comment by Daniel Leuck on December 16, 2008 at 2:37pm
Great meeting Greg! I enjoyed seeing Nate's creation and hearing from Josiah about the work he is doing with Eclipse. That was the first time I've seen Lego Mindstorm in action. Very cool stuff!
Comment by Nikolas Yem on December 16, 2008 at 2:37pm
Hey Greg! I just installed the Android plugin for Eclipse! Let's see if we can get someone to speak about that or a similar topic in one of our upcoming meetings!

I'll be sure to make it to the next meeting!
Comment by Greg Hester on November 19, 2008 at 2:32pm
We had a great meeting last night. Kevin English of Camber Corp took the group through a very beneficial overview of Ruby on Rails using Aptana. Kevin did a great job and showed the group how to build a simple Blog using Ruby ... All in about 30 minutes. I also learned that Ruby can run in a Java Environment (JVM) using JRuby.

We video taped the event and will post on our site, shortly. I'll post here when uploaded.

Thanks Kevin for a great presentation!!!
Comment by Steven Sakata on November 17, 2008 at 8:57am
Jason McGee wants to visit HI early next year.
Comment by aaron kagawa on November 16, 2008 at 12:48am
eclipse rocks!

btw, have you heard of Jupiter. Jupiter rocks too!
Comment by Greg Hester on November 15, 2008 at 11:26am
Have you heard about Eclipse?

Its a very cool and effective IDE for all kinds of development. You can use it for Java, PHP, C++, Ruby and much more. OTI a division of IBM created it and donated it to the Open Source community. You can get more information about Eclipse We have a local Eclipse User's Group here in Hawaii that meets once a month on the 3rd Tuesday. You can find out more about our local group at If you want more information about Eclipse or have a story to share, please share here! Aloha! Greg

Members (50)



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