
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Greg Hester
  • Male
  • Kailua, HI
  • United States
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Greg Hester's Friends

  • Francis A. Covington
  • Keith Powers
  • Lynn Powers
  • Tom Hemenway
  • Jack Pettit
  • Zehra Abbas Zaidi
  • Frank Duckart
  • Glenn Segawa
  • Ronald Gouldner
  • Renee Kimoto
  • Karthik
  • Gail Hedani
  • Janie Archuleta
  • Steve Bretches
  • Oscar Gonzalez

Greg Hester's Groups

Greg Hester's Discussions

Project Manager needed

Started Nov 4, 2012

Seeking Project Manager

Started Apr 8, 2009


Greg Hester's Page

Profile Information

Analyst, Consultant, Database Developer, Executive, Investor, Manager, Project Manager, Software Developer, Web Developer
Pacific Hi-Tech, Inc.
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
I am interested in Web 2.0 and all things web in general. My back ground is J2EE Architecture and Development using IBM WebSphere, Tomcat, et. al. My youngest son has a MindStorm, so now I'm working a bit with leJOS in Eclipse to program it in Java. My other son, is taking a C course at Clemson University, so now I have reached back into the archives and am doing a bit of C/C++ coding in Eclipse with him.
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
C, C++, C#, Flash/Flex, Groovy, HTML, Java, Javascript, JSP, Perl, PHP, Ruby, SQL, XML
About Me:
I've been in Hawaii since July 1, 2007. I've been a consultant since the 90's starting with Smalltalk and then moving to Java and Ruby. I've written a couple of books on IBM VisualAge for Java and IBM WebSphere. I've always been partial to the IBM Stack and still like using their tools. I love the Eclipse tool, created by IBMers, and am now heading up the Eclipse Hawaii User's Group ( in Honolulu.
Secondary Website:

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 7:54pm on January 20, 2009, Nate Sanders said…
Yep -- good meeting. It was great to get out and meet many of the faces I had seen here on TechHui. Maybe I'll move out of the Stone Age and use Eclipse for some stuff.
At 7:36pm on January 20, 2009, Mika Leuck said…
It was nice meeting you at the Eclipse users group meeting. There were many people doing interesting projects.
At 1:07am on January 5, 2009, Fred Baclig said…
Hey Greg, what's the topics for the next EUG meeting? Regardless, I'm definitely attending! =)
At 5:22pm on December 20, 2008, Michael Daly said…
Greg, it was great to meet you at the Eclipse city-side day-time forum on tues. I should have known I wouldn't see anything to do with the earth's shadow crossing the moon. It was worthwhile to see your young son's java-driven lego-made cruncher machine! How about a user's announcement section on the agenda at future meets?
At 8:37am on December 15, 2008, Daniel A said…
Thanks for the welcome, I use Ganymede on OS X. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the meeting because of finals. I will try to make the next presentation.

At 9:43pm on November 19, 2008, Nikolas Yem said…
Thanks for the comments Greg! The Eclipse meetings have been fun and informative and I can't wait for the next ones! :)
At 1:01pm on November 12, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
Hi Greg. We added a link to your group under Tech Sites and featured your event. I would attend but it conflicts with a presentation I am giving at Beer & Business. You may also want to create an Eclipse Users TechHui group. I've attached an Eclipse image of the correct size for group logos.
At 7:38pm on September 1, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
Welcome Greg! Your website looks nice.

We hope you find TechHui useful. See you in the groups and forums.
At 8:52am on August 29, 2008, aaron kagawa said…
welcome to the group. i love Eclipse too! :) oh and DigitalChalk looks cool.


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