
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Derek's Blog – April 2009 Archive (3)

Jennifer Lopez Foundation v. Jeremiah Tieman - a lesson in using celebrity names?

I'm almost embarrassed to say this but my girlfriend brought this arbitration case to my attention. It's not embarrassing that she told me about it, but of all the places (or sites) she could have heard about this case, it happened to be from the Perez Hilton site. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Perez Hilton, I'm just not into gossip type sites or sites that I perceive to be gossip type… Continue

Added by Derek on April 11, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Twitter to be bought?

A day after my girlfriend (yes, that really is me with the mosaic-ed-out face and no she's not ashamed of me) wrote about Twitter and SEO value, I read an article in Pacific Business News about Google and Microsoft potentially interested in buying Twitter.

The article… Continue

Added by Derek on April 11, 2009 at 8:34am — 4 Comments

Rescuecom v. Google

I debated with myself whether to blog about this on TechHui and as you can tell now, I've decided to do it although with reservations. Please see disclaimer at the end of this posting before reading. I've read the recent Rescuecom v. Google decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and thought a posting on the topic might be of interest to some TechHui members. Be sure to read the disclaimer below the actual posting.

Anyone else who is interested in this… Continue

Added by Derek on April 7, 2009 at 10:22pm — 4 Comments


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