
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Ask A Congressional Candidate a Tech Related Question!


Each month, Mōʻiliʻili Matters co-hosts a community social at the Willows Restaurant (901 Hausten Street) on the second Tuesday ofthe month. With a $10 entry fee, the event includes buffet style pūpūs (appetizers).

For April, we're adding something different. A Congressional Candidate Debate is a part of the April 13, 2010 event. Please see flyer below.

I'm discussing this on Tech Hui because I'd like to solicit the tech community for potential questions to ask our debating candidates.

You all know the issues way better than I, so if you have any questions you'd like to pose to the
candidates, please submit them here, or message me. The only issue I'm familiar with is the "National Broadband Plan" and I'm really not that familiar with it at all. My knowledge of it is limited to what
I've read on CNN
. A question might be phrased in such a way to ask about funding for the National Broadband plan and whether a candidate might be supportive of raising taxes, implementing a new tax, or using revenue from another tax revenue source.

Also, feel free to come to the event. RSVPs are very helpful to adequately plan the food supply.

Views: 33


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Comment by Konstantin A Lukin on April 5, 2010 at 5:08pm
Hi Derek,

Apologies if my comment was not clear, it wasn't intended to sound egotistical. It was not so much as to question the purpose for this blog. I understand why this blog is posted. I was simply trying to point out that candidates are seeking our votes, right?. Then isn't it in their interests to make themselves known, possibly by participating/collecting public opinions? I am simply trying to understand how to get more active for techies such as myself without having to spend time listening to political agendas, etc.. So then a possible proposition was to have some kind of a legislative page on TechHui, with running polls, etc.. as it is often the case that people do not know what to ask, but will gladly participate/provide their input/opinion once the question is in front of them. Just my two cents on how to liven this up a bit.

Thank you for your efforts.
Comment by Derek on April 5, 2010 at 4:31pm
Aloha Konstantin,

I think if the candidates were specifically seeking the Tech community's help with something or individually seeking out your vote, then the candidates definitely should ask you tech related questions.

Sorry if you felt offended somehow by me asking the question. I'm not trying to solicit votes for the candidates. My reason for posting was to find out what some of the concerns of the tech community are, to find out what the candidates' positions are on those concerns by asking those candidates, and then report back.

You may have seen Mike Curtis' "Urgent Call To Action" posting seeking support for TechHuians to take political action on two state legislative Bills, SB 2401 and SB 2001. SB2401 was introduced by Senator Kim, and SB 2001 was introduced by Senator Nishihara.

Wouldn't it have been nice if we knew what these Senators' positions were when they were campaigning? I think it would have been.

If you read Rabbett's comment/question below, I think he understood clearly what my intent was.

If none of this makes my intent clear in soliciting questions from this community, perhaps the video clip below will. If we get a response (to a tech related question) from any of the candidates that is somewhat similar to the response below, well, at least we will know before we mail in our ballots.
Comment by Konstantin A Lukin on April 5, 2010 at 2:41pm
Shouldn't Congressional Candidates ask us Tech Related Questions? Isn't it their job to know what the popularity vote is on important issues? I'd love to get involved, but really have nothing to ask (and very limited time to do it). I'd rather have someone ask the question and then respond to it. Polls are good. Blogs with comments are good. TechHui seems to be the right place to host similar conversations.

A candidate that openly asks community important questions would be noted and appreciated in my book.

Thank you.
Comment by Rabbett on March 26, 2010 at 6:29pm
Patsy Mink, bless her heart, was the ONLY Hawaii representative who gave a crap about nascent internet Radio and if she hadn't died she was actually riled up enough that she had come up with a cohesive plan to fight it. Instead every congressman who took money from the RIAA called up their union backers, like the AFLCIO to stomp small Internet Radio entrepeneurs out of existence. Now RIAA is trying to kill terrestrial radio with performance fees based on their successful trampling of Internet Radio. Way back in the 20's musicians and record companies realized they would get exposure that would sell records and that's why they didn't institute such fees. Everyone made out ok. Radio flourished and the musicians and their record companies all made enough money to live on. What are the intended consequences? Fewer genres of music get played ( Like Hawaiian ), musicians and their music gets less exposure and everyone suffers except the big record companies who own the major artists and their work and the congressmen who still get their big RIAA donations. (PS: most of the Big record companies are now foreign owned). Way to go Congress!
Comment by Rabbett on March 26, 2010 at 6:14pm
Will you work to overturn the Internet Radio Performance fees? They have crippled quite a few stations and no musician ever got any checks from the RIAA big enough to buy a plate lunch with...


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