
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

December 2007 Blog Posts (9)

Recursive descent parsing with BNF grammars

(This is a modified repost of a post I recently put up on our company's wiki,

explaining a very old CS concept/approach which seems to be rather

neglected lately in production use.)


If you're implementing any sort of miniature language as part of some software (query language, scripting capability) or even just attempting to parse structured input of some kind, using the full-boogie compiler-builder tools like YACC, bison, and friends can seem like… Continue

Added by Clifton Royston on December 20, 2007 at 9:38am — 4 Comments

Tree Surgeon

You can find this little gem here. I know that we're all supposed to know how to correctly setup a solution and I know that we all have our way (and reasoning) for how we set it up. It would be nice to come up with a standard way to do this. Tree Surgeon to the rescue. This is not a tool you will use everyday, but it will become invaluable when you do.

The basics are just that. Fire up the tree surgeion GUI and…


Added by Timothy Little on December 18, 2007 at 11:24pm — No Comments

Resource Refactor Tool (fixed)

I was finally able to fix the install of this tool and have become fairly enamoredwith it. The UI is simple and effective. The preview will only be useful until you become confident that the tool will work correctly.

There are a number of feature requests for the next version of this tool and I second most of them. For a simple utility, though, I think it is a good start.

For those interested in the install problem, I've narrowed it to two things:

  1. Previous Add-in…

Added by Timothy Little on December 18, 2007 at 11:18pm — No Comments

Resource Refactor Tool

I was excited about this tool because I get tired of hearing FxCop telling me to replace literal with a string from the resource file. It's purpose in life is simple--just right-click any hardcoded string and automagically send it to a new or existing resource file.

So, I anxiously click on the msi to install this tool. The install went fine and I fired up Visual Studio to give it a try. I clicked Tools\Add-in Manager... to make sure the install went as well as it seemed and it…


Added by Timothy Little on December 17, 2007 at 12:03am — No Comments

Codeplex tools

I've been checking out some of the projects available at codeplex and have been impressed with some of the tools available. They range from the simple (a build tree generator) to the complex (EntLib). I plan a blog entry for each of the tools I have incorporated into my work.

Added by Timothy Little on December 15, 2007 at 10:09pm — 1 Comment

Nimbus: Swing Done Right

I just ran across a new Swing L&F called Nimbus that has renewed my interest in Swing. Its the first L&F that looks as good as OSX and Vista and it is entirely vector based. This is important because the resolution indepence means it looks good on the new high definition screens.

Additionally, all the painting is done with Painter delegates which are easily reused on custom components. This has always been a pain point for swing. Its…


Added by Daniel Leuck on December 14, 2007 at 10:56am — No Comments

My Engineering Log/Blog

My online engineering log is available at:

Added by Philip Johnson on December 12, 2007 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Collective Intelligence and iPhone LinkLens

Join us at Honolulu coders Wednesday night this week in POST 302 at UH Manoa:

I'll be talking about the new O'Reilly book "Collective Intelligence" by Toby Segaran, as well as showing off my new iPhone LinkLens application.

Added by Sam Joseph on December 12, 2007 at 11:03am — 1 Comment

Is Swing Dead?

I've invested years of my life in Swing development, so its a little scary to even pose the question, "Is Swing Dead?" Bank of America, our largest customer, used to do a significant amount of Swing development. These days all new projects are using WinForms, WPF, or Flex. All of these technologies are very good, and have big marketing bucks behind them (Microsoft and Adobe respectively.) With Sun gasping for air and IBM backing a competing toolkit, what will happen to Swing?



Added by Daniel Leuck on December 9, 2007 at 11:16pm — 6 Comments

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