
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Nate Sanders
  • Male
  • Honolulu, HI
  • United States
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Nate Sanders's Friends

  • Ray Tsuchiyama
  • Matthew Buscemi
  • Tetsuzan Benny Ron
  • Devin Dawson
  • Kurt Olsen
  • Dan Starr
  • Eugene T. Staten II
  • Nelson Nomura
  • Laurence A. Lee
  • Jim Hinds
  • Jerome Madlangbayan
  • Stephen McMahon
  • Stuart Malin
  • Sam Joseph
  • Mika Leuck

Nate Sanders's Groups

Nate Sanders's Discussions

Mobi Hele anyone? Getting frequent disconnects
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nate Sanders Jun 28, 2010.

quick tip regarding Craigslist
12 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mika Leuck Jan 24, 2010.


Nate Sanders's Page

Profile Information

Software Developer
Independent consultant
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Programming Languages (academic study of/comparison of/experimental ones/lesser-used languages/interesting language features)
Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Unix Programming
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
C, C++, Lisp, Perl, Python, Ruby
About Me:
On the "professional development" side, I'm interested in spending time understanding Machine Learning and have taken a strong interest lately in learning about starting/running businesses, especially tech businesses.

On the fun side, I love almost anything that's competitive and I tend to get into competitive endeavors quite seriously: sports, German-style board games, poker, computer games.

I was born in Kentucky and lived there until late August 2008 when I moved to Hawaii. I've been doing independent consulting off and on since about 2000 and received my MS in CS from the University of Kentucky in 2007 where I worked on color correction in projector-camera systems and generally wrote a lot of substrate code for other programmers to use to build networked projector-camera systems, surveillance systems, stereo vision systems, high-dynamic range image capturing, etc.

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At 9:49am on May 3, 2010, Kurt Olsen said…
You kinda look like this guy I worked with too. What are up working on these days?
At 8:44am on April 24, 2010, Nelson Nomura said…
Hi Nate - I've just sent you an invitation. I'm interested in speaking with you about machine learning with respect to time series data. Thanks, Nelson
At 10:10pm on January 18, 2010, Ruby Menon said…
Thanks, Nate for the info and leads as to which direction to go for this project. Appreciate your feedback!
Aloha, Ruby
At 10:41pm on January 13, 2010, Ruby Menon said…
Hi Nate, Thanks for responding. Our company works with men and women who are transitioning out of the prison system and integrating back to civilian life. One of the areas our clients need help with is finding a job. We have designed a vocational assessment that we use with our clients to help them determine what their interests and skills are to eventually coach them into an appropriate career path. The assessment is currently a pen and paper instrument that has to be scored manually so we want to convert to an online version. We want the online version to be able to score and translate the results into a computerized version. We also want the online version to match the clients' interests to job matches and the last phase would be for the system to create a narrative that a job counselor could use to coach our clients into appropriate vocational choices. I am thinking I would need to work with a programmer who can help us with the online conversion. Am I on track with my thinking or do I need to go in a different direction?
At 11:23pm on May 18, 2009, Fred Baclig said…
Hey Nate,

I seen that you work at Concentris, I got a job interview this thursday for the student programmer position with Larry! Hope I get it!

At 12:05pm on February 18, 2009, Jerome Madlangbayan said…
Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully we can get more active participants who would like to present a topic. Hope to see you at the next one.
At 7:08am on February 18, 2009, Dan Starr said…
Hi Nate, I don't know of any current positions for software development in Berkeley's Astronomy department, but I do have some colleagues in Berkeley's computational neuroscience, which occasionally hire scientific (Python) programmers.
At 9:33pm on January 20, 2009, Greg Hester said…
Nate, Great to have you at the Eclipse meeting tonight. As you start looking at the tool, please reach out to the group here on TechHui to help out in any way. Hope to see you next Month!
At 11:37am on December 25, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
re: Holiday Science and Tech Job

I will be attending. I know your skill set from chatting with Sam. He spoke very highly of you. I'll keep an eye out for you.
At 9:57am on September 13, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
Welcome Nate! The FAQ is a good way to learn about the site.

We hope you find TechHui useful. See you in the groups and forums. Have a great weekend!


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