
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Moriba Jah
  • Male
  • Cedar Crest, NM
  • United States
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Moriba Jah's Friends

  • Ray Tsuchiyama
  • Mark Wood
  • Jerry Isdale
  • amber ngo
  • Keith Powers
  • Lynn Powers
  • Tom Hemenway
  • Rubén Peña
  • David B. Fisher
  • Doug Nelson
  • Ben Ward
  • Curtis J. Kropar
  • Todd Blume
  • Daniel Leuck

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Moriba Jah's Page

Profile Information

Aerospace Engineer
U.S. Air Force
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Astrodynamics, Orbit Determination, Kalman Filtering, Data Fusion
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
Java, Python
About Me:
AIAA Associate Fellow, IEEE Senior Member

Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Astrodynamicist with experience in estimation theory and data fusion methods. Expert in advanced Kalman filtering techniques. Substantial experience in orbit/attitude estimation by developing and implementing 6 degree of freedom sigma point filters to process a variety of data types. Particularly interested in all levels of data fusion and state/parameter estimation by non-linear methods, not necessarily as applied to celestial mechanics problems. Also interested in dynamic/observation model refinements via parameter estimation methods.

Member of the American Astronautical Society's (AAS) Space Flight Mechanics Technical Committee
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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 10:04am on June 2, 2010, Ben Ward said…
Hi Moriba

This is Ben Ward from Maui Techies. We last talked at an Upcountry Basketball game.
Please email me at if you have a chance.
At 12:53pm on October 3, 2009, Keith Powers said…
Hi Moriba- You should join us tonight in Paia if you can!
I know it is short notice - but how about getting together for an early dinner tonight in Paia at Flatbread pizza at 6:00

When: Saturday, October 3rd: 6:00 PM
Where: FlatBread Pizza, Paia

Call me if you want to join and I will reserve a table. ( looks like 7 people so far...)

At 8:40pm on August 31, 2009, Francis L. Camacho said…
Hello Moriba,

You're welcome and thanks. I would love to meet and exchange thoughts the next time I am back in Hawaii. I'll be sure to check in with you before then...thanks for the offer.

Aloha from L.A.,
At 10:46am on August 30, 2009, Francis L. Camacho said…
Hi Moriba,

I am a local boy and am a CG Artist in the visual effects field in L.A. I just wanted to introduce myself and share some thoughts. My primary skillset is matchmoving basically extracting 3D camera movement data from shot film frames to create a virtual 3D camera to match what was shot on set.

I believe it is sort of related to optical tracking techniques used in aerospace work but not as complicated nor is the software/methods as robust. Often we use multiple cameras to triangulate similar points in 3D space to get a more accurate position for the main camera. I felt that when the USS Lake Erie shot down that wayward satellite using data from the floating X Band Radar platform and other facilities, the concept was the same...but again, on a much more complex scale.

The software that I specialize in is pretty robust compared to its competitors. I have also used proprietary tracking software at a couple of larger studios where they create their own in-house systems. Much of the softwares' underlying math and algorithms were originally developed for military applications.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

At 6:38pm on December 30, 2008, Kaz Hashimoto said…
Hi, Thank you for your interest.
Let's talk to figure out what we can do!
Please give me email.

At 4:51pm on December 27, 2008, Cameron Souza said…
I didn't realize we had people that do what you do on Maui. How big is NASA's presence in the state?
At 11:38am on December 27, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
I like the theme to your do I get it (or is it just yours? :) )
Thank you. I see you found the theme selector.

Thank you for sharing the great photos. Hau’oli Lanui!
At 9:57am on December 27, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
Welcome Moriba! Did you work on Maestro or other JPL Java apps?
At 9:41am on December 27, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
E komo mai Moriba. It sounds like you have the most exciting job in Hawaii! I am jealous. We hope you find TechHui useful and invite friends. We also hope to hear more about your work in the groups and forums.


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