
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Marcus Sortijas
  • Male
  • Honolulu, HI
  • United States
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Marcus Sortijas's Friends

  • Jon Brown
  • Karen Chun
  • Stephan Fabel
  • John Holden
  • Gena Goolsby
  • Elyse M Petersen
  • James Pakele
  • Fred Jumayao
  • Matt Joswick
  • Beryl Morimoto
  • Iqbal Ashraf
  • Quincy Solano
  • Gus Higuera
  • Andy Kauffman
  • John LeBlanc

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Marcus Sortijas's Discussions

Facebook unmasked as a CIA surveillance project (funny video)

I love The Onion.  Their humor is just so on-target. The Onion News Network:…Continue

Tags: social, networks, media, onion, the

Started Mar 21, 2011


Marcus Sortijas's Page

Profile Information

Blogger / Vlogger / New Media Writer, Web Developer
TEDx Honolulu
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
WordPress, social media, web design, Linux, writing.
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
About Me:
I'm a member of the Art & Design (Online) team that built the website for TEDx Honolulu (

Passionate about using WordPress as a content management system. Interested in how great content, social media, and search engine optimization can together drive traffic to websites.

I'm available for web design and consulting. You can check out my portfolio at

As for non-technical hobbies, I love traveling. Been documenting my trips abroad in stories and photos since 2004. You can check out my travel blog at

After graduating from college with a B.A. in English Creative Writing, I spent 5 years working and traveling in Asia. I lived in Shanghai and Taipei. Picked up Mandarin Chinese along the way.
Secondary Website:
Twitter Username

Marcus Sortijas's Blog

America Spends More Money on Slower Internet

This article was in Bloomberg: U.S. Internet Users Pay More for Slower Service.  I've read many pieces like this, but can't help myself.  The problem is familiar.  But each time, I hope to read that a solution is brewing somewhere.  After having lived and traveled in Asia, it was disheartening to see the state of broadband here.  Discovered that my Internet in Hawaii was…


Posted on December 28, 2012 at 9:30am — 13 Comments

Honolulu selected as a 2012 "Code for America" city

Learned of this via Twitter from Ryan Ozawa and Burt Lum: Honolulu selected as a 2012 "Code for America" city


For those who don't know, Code for America is a nonprofit that recruits talented programmers and has them build web applications for local governments.  Sort of like a Peace Corps for computer…


Posted on August 25, 2011 at 11:30pm

How the Internet Affects Our Memory

Quick test: what's your supervisor's cell number?  Can you recite it from memory, without looking it up on your phone?  If you can't, you're not alone. 


Although businesses are moving more and more into "the cloud," another story went unreported: our brains have already made that move.  With search engines, online databases, and web browsers that auto-fill the form fields, we rely on our own memories less and less.  That was the subject of this story in The Atlantic:…


Posted on July 17, 2011 at 10:30pm

The Inside Story on Google+

There has been a flood of news on Google+, which is to be expected whenever a company as big as Google rolls out a new product.  This piece in Wired may be the definitive article to date: Inside Google+ — How the Search Giant Plans to Go Social


It was written by Steven Levy, a respected tech author who also…


Posted on July 3, 2011 at 2:00pm — 11 Comments

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At 8:58am on June 17, 2011, Branden Tanga said…

Thanks for the link. The unfortunate part is that data is very valuable in terms of cold hard cash. Even more so, because healthcare data is difficult to acquire and rarely generated (think number of hospital visits/year vs how many search queries/year). 


Even in the link, GE (which sells one of the largest, expensive, enterprise-y ehr's out there) has a project called healthymagination, which looks and is awesome. However, when you get down to the nuts and bolts of it, they are giving away reports on healthcare data, they are not giving away healthcare data for other people to consume. 


Though this looks interesting:

They've got a few developer challenges that are due at the end of summer. Maybe there's enough people in Hawaii with an interest that could take a crack at this?

At 2:53pm on April 21, 2011, Ryan Lerone said…

Hi Marcus,


Thanks!  It's good to be here. 

At 8:13pm on April 18, 2011, Elyse M Petersen said…
Aloha Marcus, great to meet you yesterday! I am always really excited to meet people that have a skill to offer the world like yourself. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around now, hope to see you at the TEDx event this weekend. I just wanted to show you the website I mentioned yesterday here. As you can see it is really flashy and eye grabbing, but not very interactive. Would you like to help me by giving a few pointers? Also, check out our TechHui Group here.
At 8:01am on March 30, 2011, Beryl Morimoto said…
Marcus, glad you were able to attend the session with Charles Du. I'm impressed with your credentials and interests! I think I can learn a lot from you. -Beryl
At 10:35am on March 22, 2011, Daniel Leuck said…
Welcome Marcus! We are glad you joined.
At 6:14pm on March 20, 2011, John Robert Egan said…

Aloha Marcus:


I am a TED fan, and like what your doing here in Honolulu.  Good luck with this project.


John Egan



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