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Derick's Friends

  • Brian Briones
  • Gus Higuera
  • Santa Moreno
  • Chad Takahashi
  • Fujie Beutel
  • Kat
  • Mika Leuck

Derick's Page

Profile Information

Digital Designer, Student, Web Developer
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Illustration and design using Photoshop, Illustrator, Wacom tablet, and a pencil.
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
Flash/Flex, HTML, Other
About Me:
I'm studying Interface Design at KCC. it's fun and

Derick's Blog

hawaii 5-0

this is old news but it's an excuse for me to post something for the 1st time.

i checked out the hawaii 5-0 awards ceremony. wall 2 wall swept it. nomura designs also took quite a bit of awards. i visited their studio for an AIGA tour with KCC and UH. A lot of the designs they showed us at their studio won awards. It was a trip to be able to see this. Also, this student from UH...something Chenen, ranked in the top five over all with his book design. It was the first time a student… Continue

Posted on November 17, 2009 at 11:21am

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At 11:43am on November 19, 2009, Gus Higuera said…
yo, doode no internet or cable. how are you gonna survive man =)
At 10:01am on March 4, 2009, Fujie Beutel said…
konnichiwa Dereck-san,

anata no Nihonngo wakarimasu. jyouzu desu ne. yes, watashi tachi no jugyou wa takusan yarukoto ga arimasu ne. ganbari mashou. Are you going to school early tomorrow? See you there.
At 9:26pm on July 19, 2008, aaron kagawa said…
hey derick, to be honest i have no idea. but don't charge too much. charge enough to get the job. experience is the important thing; thats what i preach on my blog. i'll ask around though. stay tuned.
At 1:48am on July 19, 2008, Derek Ching said…
Hi Derick -

Just an FYI with Empowered Internet's ZeppOS which is a very high powered content management editor where once designs have been cut for a client, they can manage basic areas on their own for the site as text, images, etc.. It takes a load off designers in hand-holding and supporting clients allowing you to take on more business.

At 1:56pm on July 16, 2008, Chad Takahashi said…
sup Derick? This is Chad from Wellspring.
At 12:17pm on July 16, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
Derick: i might be designing a simple 6 page website. i was wondering if you had any idea of how much to charge. if i get the job, this would be my first paid job. i'm still a student studying web design so my coding skills are weak.

Hi Derick. I know some students that charge $100 / page. Another option would be to charge something like $400 for a project fee and $50 for every page beyond 5. Of course companies often charge 10x this much, so it would be a good deal if you worked hard and created a nice site. It really depends on how far you are with your studies, if you are doing things like illustration, and other factors. I hope this helps.
At 9:23pm on May 15, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
I remember. We hope to talk to you again after the summer. Kathleen sent us some of your recent work. It looks great!
At 11:43am on May 9, 2008, Kat said…
PS: did your message translate: "Kat-chan, thanks for telling me about this website?" if I'm right then yay! If not, guess I gotta brush up on my Japanese ;)
At 11:42am on May 9, 2008, Kat said…
Hey D! You know what your goal for this summer should be? Design your own portfolio website! You know you got mad skills! I loved your yellow redesign for butigroove! C'mon, join the club!!!
At 2:49am on May 7, 2008, Mika Leuck said…
Welcome Derek! You may be interested in the Flex and Digital Designer groups. Kathleen is the featured designer this month.

We hope to see more of your classmates on TechHui!


web design, web development, localization

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