Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Web design, Graphic design, illustration, logo animation, etc
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
Flash/Flex, HTML, Other
About Me:
I'm a graphic and web designer who graduated from the interface design program at Kapi'olani Community College . I like surfing, hiking and I love dogs.
E komo mai Santa! Are you one of Chris Gargiulo's students? We are very happy to have you in the community.
The FAQ is a good place to learn about the site. You may want to join some of the interest groups such as Digital Designers, Web Designers and Flex Developers.
We hope you find TechHui useful and invite others. Good luck with your studies!
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The FAQ is a good place to learn about the site. You may want to join some of the interest groups such as Digital Designers, Web Designers and Flex Developers.
We hope you find TechHui useful and invite others. Good luck with your studies!