If Neil would like to join us for a bit on July 13, it would be great. I'm sure a group could be called together at another time as well.
I just read his technology and small biz platforms. It would be nice to hear some specifics.
As a former teacher, I wonder how he feels about what Michelle Rhee is doing in DC?
How does he plan to raise standards w/o revamping DOE, including possibly laying off some teachers? What about raising pay? How do we pay for it?
Governor Lingle championed STEM skills, which obviously should continue, what can be done to improve this throughout the Hawaii system? Besides STEM skills, shouldn't some form of entrepreneurship skills be taught in K-12? I would suggest that it makes up the third leg of skills for our time. (Liberal Arts, STEM, and Entrepreneurship)
Now that Maui has a UofH campus, will the standards be raised for professors? Will they need to publish and do real research? Will UofH Maui move from a skills for a job, to a more liberal arts (with a science / engineering bent)? Or even a true science / engineering / applied ag facility? If it does, what will happen to the skills training mission that currently exists?
This is my opening set of thoughts, others?