
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community



Discussion of the Eclipse IDE which is used by Java, PHP, C++, Ruby, ProjectZero, Cloud Computing, Modeling and much more.

Location: Honolulu, HI
Members: 50
Latest Activity: Apr 10, 2017

The Eclipse Group at PF Changs on St. Patty's Day

Discussion Forum

Eclipse Users Group Reboot 3 Replies

Started by Daniel Leuck. Last reply by George Mar 22, 2011.

Google App Engine and Java 2 Replies

Started by Douglas Ching. Last reply by Konstantin A Lukin Jul 14, 2009.

Improving code with Eclipse plugins 2 Replies

Started by WatchSound. Last reply by WatchSound Jul 2, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by George on March 26, 2011 at 9:16am

Hi Greg,


If the group came back to life, I'm in.


Or since 1 specific is worth 1,000 generalities, we can set up a meeting and see who shows up.  I'm in my sixth month of getting my head bashed in trying to covert myself from JBoss/Entity Beans/Ant-built projects to Glassfish/JPA/Eclipse's dozens of different type projects (that are helping me entirely too much). 


Misery loves company – and its making me miserable which makes a "support" group sound good.



Comment by Greg Hester on March 22, 2011 at 7:48am

Thanks for the email. You're correct... Life happened and we all got busy. I still use Eclipse heavily on projects and would participate if there was interest to restart.

Comment by Greg Hester on March 22, 2011 at 7:45am
message from Nikolas Yem to all members of Eclipse on TechHui!

Whatever happened to the Hawaii Eclipse Users Group? I know that we started off strong and then as with all things... life gets in the way and we started to slowly lose participation.

But there's still so much that we can do with Eclipse and I think it's still a very via tool to have as a techie!

Any interest in starting the Eclipse Users Group back up? Leave your comments on the Eclipse Group Discussion Forum!
Comment by Daniel Leuck on November 19, 2009 at 1:54am
Thank you for the kind words Greg. Even though it was a small group, we had some interesting discussions about GWT, Flex and general architecture of rich client systems.

Also, many thanks to you and Steve Sakata (IBM) for putting in the time and energy necessary to keep a regular Oahu coders meet-up alive!
Comment by Greg Hester on November 17, 2009 at 11:04pm
Tonight Dan Leuck gave an awesome talk on what you can do with GWT and GXT while showing off some cool technology that he and his team at Ikazo have developed on using GWT and GXT. Nice Job Dan! Next month we'll be focusing on Flex and what some of our members have been building with Flex. More to come over the next couple of weeks.
Comment by Greg Hester on March 3, 2009 at 8:44pm
Greetings Fellow Eclipse Enthusiasts! I wanted to remind you that we are always on the look out for new topics and new speakers. If you have always wanted to try your hand at pitching a topic, why not give it a try at the Eclipse User's Group. We are a very friendly group! You can contact me directly if you would like to get on our calendar.
Comment by Greg Hester on January 20, 2009 at 9:31pm
Great meeting tonight!!! Even with some technical difficulties it was still awesome to connect with the group and talk story about different projects everyone is working. It was also great to get a glimpse of Android. We'll try to schedule another Android session in the near future. Next Month we'll have a day meeting on Feb 17th. Thanks for all who attended and stay tuned for more details.
Comment by Greg Hester on December 19, 2008 at 9:49pm
Bill ... I have an interest in JRuby. Please keep us informed. Would you be interested in presenting on JRuby sometime at the Eclipse Hawaii User's Group?
Comment by Bill on December 19, 2008 at 5:52pm
Yeah, I too was learning about JRuby at a Ruby conference in herndon, VA—it has some great advantages so far as handling of green threads and concurrency.
Comment by Bill on December 19, 2008 at 5:51pm
there are some very interesting plug-ins for eclipse, for example the static analysis tool for Java, FindBugs from University of MD. There is actually a guy doing his phd work there doing some similar things with Ruby syntax.

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