
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community



Site for Bytemarks activities, events, cafe notes and audio archives.

Location: Honolulu, HI
Members: 18
Latest Activity: Jul 6, 2012

Mahalo TechHui

I am frequently asked what happens to the podcasts of Bytemarks Cafe. After a few months, they disappear from the HPR website so the links on no longer work. The HPR folks have limited file space on their servers so it's been a scramble on my part to find alternative storage, until now! Thanks to Dan Leuck and TechHui, when the files expire on the HPR site I will load them here. Bear in mind, I will do this on request only. If you like the show I would suggest subscribing in iTunes. If you want to reference specific programs, just let me know and I will load them up here, as Benny Ron has requested.

Thanks again Dan and TechHui for supporting Ryan and me on our show Bytemarks Cafe.

Discussion Forum

Episode 110 - Residential Solar (Sept 22, 2010) 1 Reply

Bytemarks Cafe interview with Alex Tiller from Sunetric, Mark Duda from Revolusun, and joining us by phone, Lynn Jurich from SunRun. Recorded on 9/22/10 on KIPO 89.3FM, Hawaii Public RadioContinue

Tags: PPA, residential, power, solar

Started by Burt Lum. Last reply by Daniel Leuck Oct 29, 2010.

Episode 2 - Hawaii Broadband (Aug. 13, 2008)

Bytemarks Cafe conversation with David Lassner and Cliff Miyake about Broadband in Hawaii Recorded on Aug. 13, 2008 on KIPO 89.3FM, Hawaii Public Radio

Tags: high-speed, access, connectivity, internet, broadband

Started by Burt Lum May 20, 2010.

Episode 66 - Aquaculture and Second Life (Nov. 25, 2009) 1 Reply

Bytemarks Cafe interview with Benny Ron and Sam Joseph on Aquaculture and Second Life. Recorded on 11/25/09 on KIPO 89.3FM, Hawaii Public RadioContinue

Tags: secondlife, Hawaii, environmental, fishfarms, aquaculture

Started by Burt Lum. Last reply by Daniel Leuck May 18, 2010.

Episode 60 - Aquaculture and Aquaponics (Oct. 14, 2009)

Bytemarks Cafe interview with Benny Ron and Glenn Martinez on Aquaponics. Recorded on 10/14/09, KIPO - 89.3FM Hawaii Public RadioContinue

Tags: bytemarkscafe, Hawaii, environmental, fishfarms, aquaculture

Started by Burt Lum May 18, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Bytemarks to add comments!

Comment by Daniel Leuck on May 20, 2010 at 11:23pm
Hey Burt. We can't reorder the posts in the forums, but we can create a Bytemarks custom page that links to those posts in whatever order you specify and link to it from this group. Ning custom pages are a hidden feature that provides a lot of flexibility. Next time we get together I can explain in detail.
Comment by Burt Lum on May 20, 2010 at 7:58pm
Hey Dan, each episode that I load up will be out of any sequential order. For the AR folks like me is there any way to reorder them?
Comment by Daniel Leuck on May 19, 2010 at 10:00am
Just don't tell HPR!

LOL! We will keep it in strict confidence.
Comment by Ryan on May 19, 2010 at 7:29am
Just don't tell HPR!
Comment by Daniel Leuck on May 18, 2010 at 5:54pm
Aloha Burt - We are happy to provide a permanent home for your interviews. They are a valuable resource for the community. Upload as many as you like. If we have to purchase more storage space, we (TechHui sponsors) will cover it.
Comment by Mika Leuck on May 18, 2010 at 5:39pm
We enjoyed your interview with Benny and Glenn!
Comment by Tetsuzan Benny Ron on May 17, 2010 at 9:43pm
Hi Burt: Nice group. Mahalo nui for acting upon my request.

Members (18)



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