Time: June 26, 2010 from 9am to 4pm
Location: UH Manoa Art Auditorium (location for break-outs TBA)
Website or Map: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/campu…
Phone: (808) 393-9119 - Twitter Tag #techhui2010
Event Type: conference
Organized By: Ikayzo, Pacific New Media, Outreach College, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa and ThinkTech
Latest Activity: Jun 24, 2010
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Note: For registration purposes, the college treats the conference like a class. Signing up for this "class" does not create any additional obligations on your part.
New: The TechHui Conference iPhone App has been released. An Android version will be released tomorrow. Seth Ladd from Google will be joining us to discuss HTML 5 and Chrome.
The TechHui Conference's purpose is to highlight exciting Hawaii-based science and technology related people, projects and organizations. We also strive to facilitate science and technology related conversation, education and collaboration.
Join us to learn about projects ranging from nanotech and game design to a new electric car sharing network being launched in Hawaii. This conference is a deep dive - by science and technology people, for science and technology people. The keynotes and panels will operate on these assumptions.
Conference Schedule and Panels
iPhone / Android Development, Rich Internet Applications (Flex, Silverlight, HTML 5), Social Media, 3D CG & Animation, Renewable Energy, User Experience Design, Game Design, Star Trek Tech Today, Inventors
Many thanks to our sponsors Superb Internet, Pūkoʻa Scientific, Oceanit, HTDC, Revolusun and Ikayzo
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