The purpose of the TechHui conference is to
highlight exciting Hawaii-based science and technology related
people, projects and organizations. We strive to facilitate science
and technology related conversation, education and
The conference begins with three keynote presentations, each
lasting 20 minutes. After the keynotes is a renewable energy
super-panel followed by two tracks of panels. The conference ends
with a 3D CG & Animation super-panel.
Download Brochure with Panelist Bios (PDF)
Track 1 - Art Auditorium |
Track 2 - Kuykendall 301 |
9:00-9:50 |
Keynotes |
10:00-10:50 |
Renewable Energy Super-Panel |
11:00-11:50 |
Game Development |
User Experience Design |
12:00-12:50 |
Lunch & Networking |
12:30-12:50 |
HTML 5 Session with Seth Ladd,
Developer Advocate, Google |
1:00-1:50 |
Star Trek Tech Today |
Social Media and Web Marketing |
2:00-2:50 |
Rich Internet Applications |
Android and iPhone Development |
3:00-3:50 |
Inventors |
Dual Use Technologies |
4:00-4:50 |
3D CG and Animation |
5:00-5:30 |
Socializing / Networking |
Energy Technology
A discussion of renewable energy and energy conservation
Moderator: Joe Saturnia, Island Pacific Energy
Heidi Kuenhle, Ph.D., KuenhleAgro
Mark Duda, Distributed Energy Partners
Warren Doi, Green Car
Game Development
A discussion of game development for mobile and desktop
Moderator: Burt Lum
Timothy Webb, Avatar Reality
Bryce Knight, Avatar Reality
David Neely, DeeNiri
User Experience Design
A discussion of how to optimize user experience for mobile and
desktop applications
Moderator: Jay Fidell
Scott Murphy, Ikayzo
Bernard Uy, Wall | Wall
Steven Squire, Skyfarm Digital
Star Trek Tech Today
Find out how the technologies you used to see on the Enterprise
are finding their way into today's world
Moderator: Burt Lum
Marcelo Kobayashi, Ph.D., University of Hawaii
Russ Ogi, Rapid Technology
Ken Cheung, Ph.D., Oceanit
Social Media
A discussion about social media technology and its impact on
everything from politics to business
Moderator: Jay Fidell
L.P. Neenz Faleafine, Alltop & Pono Media
Mark Wolf, Think Tank Studios
Dan Zelikman, StarrTech
Rob Bertholf, Chapter Three
Rich Internet Applications
Find out whats happening in the world of HTML5, Flash/Flex and
Moderator: Burt Lum
Seth Ladd, Google
Kevin Hughes, Sprout
Daniel Leuck, Ikayzo
iPhone & Android
A discussion about development on the iOS and Android
Moderator: Jay Fidel
Gus Higuera, Ikayzo
Sam Joseph, Ph.D., University of Hawaii
Rama McIntosh, Meme Incorporated
John Wang, Ikayzo
Learn about the process of invention from idea to
Moderator: Burt Lum
Bill Spencer, HI Oceanic Tech
Robert Yonover, Ph.D., See Rescue
Jeff Williams, Williams Aerospace
Leighton Chong, Intellectual Property Attorney
Dual Use
Hawaii's top dual use companies talk about cutting edge
technology developed for both commercial and military use
Moderator: Ian Kitajima
James Karins, Pukoa Scientific
Kevin Miyashiro, TeraSys Technologies
Hunter Downs, Fatigue Science
3D CG & Animation
Hawaii's top CG designers and developers talk about the latest
in cinematic and game oriented CG technology
Moderator: Burt Lum
Todd Robertson, Hyperspective
Matthew Hawkins, Screaming Wink
Dan Hofstedt, Hawaii Animation Studios
Remington Scott, Hawaii Animation Studios
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