
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Aloha TechHuians. As part of our initiative to grow the TechHui community, we are announcing what is, to our knowledge, the world's first meta-contest. This is a contest to come up with a clever contest :-) The winner of the meta-contest will have their choice of two months of free top level sponsorship (see the Sponsors area to the right) on the TechHui site, a $998 value, or the new 16GB iPod nano.
The Rules 1) You must be a member of TechHui. 2) The contest you propose must relate to science or technology. 3) Employees and contractors of TechHui's sponsors are not eligible. 4) The contest cannot be oriented toward promotion of a company, product or service. 5) The contest must only be open to members of TechHui. 6) Submissions must be made as responses to this blog post received on or before February 1st, 2010 (midnight HST is the cutoff) Any other form of submission will not be accepted. Entries will be judged by a panel of five judges put together by the TechHui team. The criteria with be creativity and expected efficacy in increasing membership. TechHui reserves the right to exclude entries, at its discretion, for any reason, including the expected cost and complexity of the entry's implementation.

Views: 79


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Comment by GB Hajim on December 15, 2009 at 1:58pm
Contest Idea #2

Most creative cam contest

The contest will be the most interesting / innvoative use of a live web cam.
Comment by GB Hajim on December 15, 2009 at 1:57pm
1. Contest Idea #1.

Contest to come up with interactive banner Ad for Tech Hui.

The banner ad will be judged on 3 criteria

1. Size. Bandwidth still matters. Smaller = Better
2. Readability. Clutter = Bad.
3. Fun. The banner should be fun to play with and/or fun to look at.


web design, web development, localization

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