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Ikayzo & Oceanit Release Revolutionary iPhone App for Estimating the Cost of iPhone Apps

As part of a new joint venture called Ikayzo-it, Ikayzo and Oceanit have released an iPhone App dubbed iMuch? that provides iPhone development estimates based on three basic questions:

  1. Category
  2. One sentence description
  3. Desired release date

For example, the entries "Game", "A game where dragons fight ninjas", and "April 7, 2010" produces an estimate of $16,421.18. "The App is just as accurate as a real life developer would be if asked the same questions," boasts Vice President of XML Synergy Scott Murphy. The app has already been downloaded by over 300,000 iPhone developers who are undoubtedly relieved to be free from the burden of providing development estimates. Chief Podcatcher Gus Higuera conceded, "Of course it is of no use to the majority of iPhone developers who work for free in exchange for 15% of the potential revenue in partnership with the idea guy."

The Ikayzo-it initiative plans to follow up with a series of developer friendly apps including a revolutionary mobile COBOL IDE that will bring the excitement of programming insurance applications on mainframes to the iPhone.

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Comment by David Neely on April 5, 2010 at 4:06pm
This made me laugh. Thank you :)
Comment by Daniel Leuck on April 4, 2010 at 9:48pm
Brian - We do Android as well :-) In fact, we are currently working on an Android port of an iPhone app.

It was the threats that worried me. Google knows that by removing the estimation process from the development pipeline iPhone apps will become even more plentiful!
Comment by Daniel Leuck on April 3, 2010 at 1:35pm
Brian - We wanted to do an Android port, but Google said they wouldn't allow an Android app that estimated the cost of building iPhone apps. Threats were exchanged. It was ugly.
Comment by Patrick Ahler on April 1, 2010 at 2:54pm
Comment by Cameron Souza on April 1, 2010 at 2:10pm
I'm really looking forward to that iPhone COBOL IDE. Please keep us updated.
Comment by David Nolte on April 1, 2010 at 8:38am
Ummm...April Fools!


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