
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Sid Savara and I have been talking about planning a startup weekend -- you and your geekiest friends, making something for the internet in a weekend. You can read more about the sort of event we're thinking of here.

If you'd be interested, post here, and if you know someone else that might be, forward this to them. If we get enough "heck yeah"s we'll put together a date (possibly early sept) and venue. (Also, let us know if you have any ideas for a venue.)

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Comment by Shawn Drost on September 2, 2008 at 9:42am
We have a solid date! Sept 19-21. Add your name here:
Comment by L.P. "NEENZ" FALEAFINE on August 28, 2008 at 6:46am
Please count me out. I will be in Las Vegas for BlogWorld Expo, but rootin' for ya'll in spirit!
Comment by Sid on August 27, 2008 at 10:16pm
Comment by Sid on August 18, 2008 at 10:56am
So after my conversation with the Startup Weekend guys this morning, I felt it was the right time to post an update on the situation.

A week or so ago the guys from Startup Weekend found us and contacted us. They put on events that are pretty large scale (their smallest weekends attract 50 people!) and they wanted to discuss the event we've been discussing here.

Shawn and I had some concerns, because we weren't sure if they were trying to shut us down because we had posted using their name. These concerns have turned out to be unfounded, because during my discussion on the phone this morning I brought it up, and they are not trying to stop us from organizing anything at all - he seemed a little surprised I would ask that. They did say we shouldn't use their names (Clayon and Andrew), the Startup Weekend name & materials and try to pass it off as something that they organized if they hadn't, which I think is fair, and we weren't trying to do that anyway. That was not the reason they had contacted us though.

Clayton (the guy who called me) was cool and wasn't against us doing grass roots events at all, they just saw that we had linked to them and/or referred visitors to their site, and wanted to jump in and see if they could provide guidance at these early stages IF we wanted to do a Startup Weekend proper, which is what the discussion on TechHui had sounded like - when I reread Shawn's initial post, it really does sound like we want to actually do a Startup Weekend facilitated with them.

I think there are two different types of events we're talking about - Shawn and I are all about building something to show the world, whereas Startup Weekend proper is about that and more, as it is not geared towards just tech folks and the application/website (though that is still a primary focus - can't have a startup with no product). Their events attract marketers, finance folks, everybody who brings something to the table in a startup. We have that as well in our group at TechHui, some diversity - not everyone is a software develoepr.

Based on what we discussed, here's what I told him I'd like to do and he agreed was a god plan of action -

1) Shawn and I will organize 1 or more grassroots weekend-length events which will be self organized and probably smaller scale (10-20ish I am guessing). We have a weekend in September in mind, I will confirm with Shawn and then post those date later today. If we get more than that level of interest, great! Based on what we've seen so far though, I think that's realistic. We're currently just planning on having it at my apartment, since I cleared it with my roommates. If it gets too large or whatever, we will deal with that as it happens.

2) I'll work with the actual Startup Weekend guys to set up a SW weekend proper in February 2009. We'll probably start gauging interest for that one in November. For this event they are going to work with us to get us a proper space, a facilitator, etc. They have some national sponsors who may have Hawaii office space for us to use. This wasn't a planning call, he just wanted to talk and see where we were and if we wanted their help, so I don't have much details on this just yet.

More info TBA!
Comment by Rob Bertholf on August 12, 2008 at 3:02pm
Add me to the list! I have done this many times in the past, always up for a new challenge!
Comment by Burt Lum on August 9, 2008 at 6:04am
Count me in. I'll be the official coffee drinker.
Comment by Thomas Olausson on August 7, 2008 at 10:41pm
+1 on heck yeah
Comment by Seth Ladd on August 7, 2008 at 9:19pm
Count me in! Can I be the official Coffee Maker?
Comment by Sid on August 7, 2008 at 5:27pm
I think that in the traditional startup weekend, ideas are discussed the day of (by those present) and then everyone votes. BUT given that we are in right about the right timeframe for the facebook apps deadline, perhaps we can have a startup weekend where everyone comes prepared with an idea that could be a facebook app? The deadline to submit is August 29, which unfortunately is bad for my schedule (I'm out of town the weekend prior to that, and busy the weekend before that). That shouldn't preclude everyone else from doing it though

Unless of course, people want to meet TOMORROW and do it all weekend. I would assume this is a bit too short notice though.
Comment by Truman Leung on August 7, 2008 at 5:03pm
I wonder if this might be a suitable project for the "startup weekend":


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