
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Shawn Drost's Blog (3)

Mini-sites: like reader's digest for websites!

I recently had a somewhat crazy idea to solve a common problem.  It's currently half-baked, and it's related to a project I might be working on, so your comments and thoughts are appreciated.  


Here's the problem: big organizations have a ton of content that needs to go *somewhere* on their website, and often, the really important stuff gets obscured.  It's uncomfortable to visit a site like and try and find something, and…


Added by Shawn Drost on February 3, 2011 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments

Brief thoughts on Google Buzz

I was excited to hear about Buzz. I don't like having lots of sites to check. That's a big part of why I'm not active on Twitter and Facebook.

But in the few hours since it's been active, I've gotten really sick of the bolded "Buzz (10)" notification in my email client. It's a constant distraction, which is really irritating, because Gmail is the center of my workflow.

I've come to the conclusion that I dislike it. What do you think?

Added by Shawn Drost on February 10, 2010 at 11:43am — 2 Comments

Startup weekend?

Sid Savara and I have been talking about planning a startup weekend -- you and your geekiest friends, making something for the internet in a weekend. You can read more about the sort of event we're thinking of here.

If you'd be interested, post here, and if you know someone else that might be, forward this to them. If we get enough "heck yeah"s we'll put together a date (possibly early sept) and venue. (Also, let us know if you have… Continue

Added by Shawn Drost on August 7, 2008 at 3:07pm — 16 Comments


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