Vending machines have come a long way since
Heron of Alexandria introduced his coin operated holy water dispenser in the first century. Today's Japanese vending machines are full blown computers with large interactive color displays, blue tooth,
Osaifu-Keitai (wireless payment via cell phone), and multiple smart card interfaces. They dispense drinks, snacks, beer, cigarettes, contraceptives, books, ties, stockings, fried food, iPods, toys, pornography, small potted plants, cut flowers, umbrellas and rice. Some machines are able to communicate their inventory to nearby delivery trucks wirelessly. Vending machines are everywhere in Japan. There is one vending machine for every 23 people. I've always been amazed by the fact that they always work, especially given their complexity, and that they are invariably in immaculate condition. The vending machine industry in Japan employs around 1.6 million people to keep them that way. The vending machine pictured shows videos of celebrities drinking the products it contains. Using the UI you can get details about each product. I think if I spent a little more time I could have used it to do my taxes. This year they introduced liquor and cigarette vending machines that only accept
special smart cards that transmit the buyer's age. With every visit to Japan the vending machines seem to get fancier.

For more information check out:
Jidoohanbaiki - Japanese Vending Machines
Vending Machine Craze in Japan
Vending Machines of Japan (Photo Gallery)
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