I was the *head* of the (one-man) ceramics department for Paolo Soleri from 1972-76.
Your work made me think of the type and style of thought and design that was encountered frequently at Arcosanti. Our meeting has stirred dormant memories, transporting me back to some very fine days in my early life.
(Serendipitous) Life is Good
Aloha Michael!
It's always great to make new friends, especially with interesting creative people.
PS. Have you ever been to Arcosanti?
Well an easy source of local businesses would be PBN's the Book of Lists and as far as places to hold a party and things to do on O'ahu there's This Week.
This is a quick response to your query on Internet Marketing ... we could brainstorm if you want ...
Impressive ... you have skills and talent!! This week its HawaiiGeekWeek maybe there's something that interests you ... otherwise let's get together next week! Knowing you I'm sure all is well and you're thriving!
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Your work made me think of the type and style of thought and design that was encountered frequently at Arcosanti. Our meeting has stirred dormant memories, transporting me back to some very fine days in my early life.
(Serendipitous) Life is Good
It's always great to make new friends, especially with interesting creative people.
PS. Have you ever been to Arcosanti?
This is a quick response to your query on Internet Marketing ... we could brainstorm if you want ...