It was a technological accomplishment, but I was not that impressed. Remember this film cost 3 times as much as Final Fantasy and I don't have to say how much technology has grown since then to this crowd.
I expected a whole lot more as far as the landscapes - it wasn't much more impressive than the scenery in Disney's Tarzan and it didn't seem that alien.
I hate to be a party crasher, but if someone is going to spend $237 million on making a movie, they are obligated to impress me with every moment. The dialog verged on painfully bad. The characters were probably the first 1 dimensional characters rendered digitally in 3D. I really didn't care about any of them. Cameron really gave me little reason to.
Karen, who doesn't have any experience with VFX work, was first to point out that the live characters were constantly changing in scale relative to the CG characters. I did think that the green screen work was good (much better than LoTR), but again I hope so...LoTR was incredibly expensive at $95m, but a bargain compared to this film.
I loved the bioluminescence and some of the other imagery was indeed beautiful, but these were just window dressing on a story that was a cobbled together narrative of both verb and visual cliches. Princess Mononoke was a much more beautiful film, with great characters and had a much better story.
After all this you might think I hated the experience. I did not. I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed the Star Wars prequels and I think they are of the same ilk.
The racism of these films is atrocious. White dude leads native people because the native people are some how too 'wild' to lead themselves (other note: Natives are all played by minority actors). White dude whose name started with 'J' (I have a treatise on that if you are interested) makes decisions that lead to native male leaders being killed off and the one minority 'good' human is killed off too! (Do these guys ever think about this at all? Cameron: "Hmmm. We gotta kill off some people" Jon Landau: "Who we gonna kill?" Cameron: "Let's keep the white ones and kill the one latina chick" Jon Landau: "That sounds good.")
The text comes across as being a pacifist film, but the subtext is all about promoting the idea of a crusade or 'just' war - which I guess is very important to Cameron and Co. since the video game is a first person shooter where you get to kill the wildlife and everything else also that the action figures are sold in "Battle Packs".
My kids even said 'meh' about it, but they enjoy movies and television that have engaging characters who say witty original stuff.
GB: Films that are morality plays (like Avatar, not Fifth Element) have a larger responsibility to not killing off the one latina chick. On top of that, she was the most assertive female character. There was no man she was tied to.I respectfully disagree. Walking on racial eggshells leads to crappy writing. If the story calls for an evil Eskimo, write about an evil Eskimo. That being said, note that _every_ villain in this film was white, and most of the nobler characters were not. The standout character was really Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), and the latina you mentioned, actress Michelle Rodriguez, died a samurai's death. She didn't die because she was unimportant. She died _because_ she was important.
GB: I'm not even going to point out all the breast shots he sneaked in there because I have nothing against breasts. ;)I'll go further and say I'm a huge fan of breasts :-) I'd rather our films have plenty of healthy, beautiful bare breasted women and less violence. I think children are far more likely to be traumatized by people being brained (which is very common in PG and PG13 movies) than, God forbid, they see a nipple!
Daniel, WHERE can I find this movie about the evil eskimo?I'm working on a script that pits evil Eskimos against an army of transgenic lemur cyborgs lead by
The story was nothing new (a bad Dances With Wolves)True, but there are few new things under the sun in terms of story lines, and Dances With Wolves was a bad Dances With Wolves.
the dialog was laughable (the part where he comes out to the Navi could've been stolen from the movie She's All That)I nearly choked on my coffee when I read this. Touché. There was something She's All That-esque about it.
and additionally the acting wasn't doing it for meI think it was hit and miss. Saldana (Neytiri) was good, as was Lang (the Colonel.)
I feel like I don't need heavy handed exposition, the planet's name is Pandora? The stuff the colonialists are after is Unobtainium?I wrote off Pandora as a random name the colonialists made up for the planet. Its happened many times before - Where did the names Japan and Madagascar come from? Drunk white folks :-) They don't sound anything like the Japanese or Malagasy words for their own country. On the name unobtainium, we agree. It was comically stupid.
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