
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community is a local site that provides comprehensive real estate information. I think it provides a great service and is an example of a software product that really solves a customer problem. I mentioned it during the GUI meetup tonight

You can find information on basically any house, condo, etc., sort it in a variety of different ways and even get email alerts when new properties that match your criteria come online. It is amazingly comprehensive. For instance, I have been using it to track number of condos per day whose asking price is dropping. Average has increased from low teens per day in the fall to about 30 per day recently - a strong sign that price declines are accelerating.

In any event, it's a great business too. This profile explains the background of the site. Though the site is free, leads from it helped him generate real estate sales of $25 million dollars. That's a nice return on his investment in building software.

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I love this site. I wanted to search by properties with two parking spaces ... lo and behold, I could. No other site I found allows you to do that.
I totally love Oahure as well. Great wealth of information - up to date too!
I keep wanting to redo the interface to make the listing results easier to read though.
Hi Alyssa,

I am always interested in improving OahuRE and would love to hear your suggestions on improving the interface. Many of the features on OahuRE are from users suggestions so if you have some improvement ideas please let me know. Thanks for using OahuRE.

Alyssa Murphy said:
I totally love Oahure as well. Great wealth of information - up to date too!
I keep wanting to redo the interface to make the listing results easier to read though.
Great resource, thanks for sharing!

I agree with Alyssa that while the functionality is great the interface leaves a little to be wanted. No offense Bryn.

To be honest I had a hard time getting past the front page. Between the Google ads and the wealth of quotes and comments it took me a while to figure out what the tool actually was, and where to start. If it wasn't for John's posting above, speaking so highly of the site and its functionality, I probably would have moved on... You might want to dedicate a little more space to the menu, and make it more prominent and eye catching by adding a little graphics/colors. After all, the functionality is what people visit the site for, not the ads and the quotes ;)
Byrn, check out this Chinese real estate site for some great ideas!

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