
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

What is Hawaiʻi, What is Aloha? "ALOHA Connects"

This video shares the special "ALOHA" spirit of Hawaiʻi in a way that has rarely been done before. Produced by Pono Shim and Don Mapes for non-profit Enterprise Honolulu, the video is to promote the islands as a special place of spirit and innovation. The video is based on the teaching of Aunty Pilahi Paki who was called the keeper of Hawaiʻiʻs secrets. Although she passed away in 1985 she prophesied that the world would come to Hawaiʻi in the 21st century to find the answer to world peace. That answer...ALOHA.

"ALOHA Connects" is a collaborative project designed to connect Hawai'i businesses with their counterparts in the APEC member economies resulting in increased trade, business expansion, capital investment, economic stimulation, technological innovation and job creation.

To "‎ALOHA Connects", many Mahalos for sharing your gift of ALOHA with us all in this uniquely exquisite video:

Produced with the cooperation of numerous organizations who donated footage, the video invites others to come to our islands to partner to find solutions to the worldʻs problems.

TechHuian's and all Friends, we hope you will take time to view this powerful video story of the Spirit of ALOHA and the technological innovations of the contributions of the many cultures and races that make up Hawai'i, and once you're done, share it with fellow TechHuian's, with your own Friends and with Family. Visit also the Web site for much more information.

Honolulu, Hawai'i will host the November 12–13, 2011 annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

E mālama pono a hui hou Hawai'i . . .

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 348

Location: Hawai'i


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Comment by Johnson Choi on December 6, 2011 at 6:48pm

It seems more like a HTA or HCVB travel promotion video than a business video promoting Hawaii's businesses? I share if with a dozen of people in California and Asia, they felt pretty much the same way. It does not seems to have any impact on APEC 2011 delegates. I have attended events sponsored by 3 of the 21 economies, no one seems to know about the video.

Comment by Mika Leuck on October 1, 2011 at 8:09am
Thank you for posting Rubén. More information can be found on the Aloha Connects site.
Comment by Rubén Peña on October 1, 2011 at 4:11am
"Aloha Connects" is a collaborative project designed to connect Hawai'i businesses with their counterparts in the APEC member economies resulting in increased trade, business expansion, capital investment, technological innovation and job creation.
To "‎Aloha Connects", many Mahalos for sharing your gift of ALOHA with us all in this exquisite video. Friends, we hope you will make time to view this powerful video story of ALOHA and technological innovations in Hawaii, and once you're done, share it with your own friends and family. E mālama pono a hui hou Hawai'i . . .


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