Recent 221 debates have highlighted an issue that has been simmering for many years in our community. There is a perception that the tech crowd is a a group of elitist "haves" who care nothing for those who are not part of our clique. This type of dynamic is very dangerous, and can quickly degrade into an emotional place where intelligent discourse is impossible. Some of this is our fault. I know many of you already do great community work, but we need to do more. I think its time for a tech community tithe. If each of us commits to giving 10% of our time every month to bring the benefits of technology to members of the community who don't have ready access, we can make a real difference. Although we (Ikayzo/Ooi) already do this sort of work, we are making a concerted effort to track our time and ensure at least 10% of it goes toward community betterment. This means doing things like giving talks in schools, serving as a drop off location for
Hawaiian Hope, and providing free consulting to worthy organizations in our community. The fact we have homeless children in our schools who can't complete online homework assignments is absolutely ridiculous. If we want our community to support us, we need to support them. Lets pull together, pool our resources, and get more kids excited about tech careers, bring more nonprofits online, provide ubiquitous web access, and empower everyone to benefit from our collective expertise. If you are willing to join us in the Hawaii tech tithing, please leave a note here telling us how you plan to contribute. If you are already doing community work, tell us about it. Perhaps your ideas will excite and provoke others to take action.
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