I'm teaching a database/spreadsheet course at HPU this fall
to accounting/management grad students as well as the odd computer
scientist, and I have all this boring sample data from the textbook
regarding fictional ice-cream companies. Pretty tedious stuff. I had
this idea to re-create the data based on the "The Office" so all the
accounts/salespeople names would be taken from the show.
What I'd also really love to do is get some actual XL/access data from
some real companies to show how this stuff gets done in the real world.
I don't suppose you know of anyone who might have
some business related data from a few years back that they would be
willing to share? I would totally anonymize all the data, but I would
love to see any business related XL or access files (hopefully in Office
2007). In fact I'd be interested to see any real accounting data from companies in any form - my hope is to connect the class with real world practice.
I realize that companies are very sensitive about their internal
book-keeping, but I was wondering if anonymized versions of accounts
from more than 2 years ago might be something someone was willing to
share with me for educational purposes.
Many thanks in advance
Sam Joseph, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hawaii Pacific University
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