
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Building a New Economy based on Virtual Security.

"Blue Pill for the new E"

Bringing the troops home should be the key and driving force to ignite and jump start the economy.  Following the money trail, caring for troops abroad costs taxpayers billions per month.   As they come home that cost is going to be reduced significantly.  As the troops return home they should be able to access some amazing benefits (hopeful there is good policy that cares for our wounded) to ignite the health care system as they start needing treatment and job placement services to get them back to the open job market.  Government can initiate a new multi-billion dollar program (funding coming from the re-appropriation; to caring our troops at home) called "SmartForce" that gives states and counties new dollars to begin hiring our "trained servicemen and women" and upgrading our security forces at home. (the thinking is that new USA threat will come from internal "al-Qaeda cells" and other "rogue enemies".)  So the need to upgrade our police forces should be a top priority.    The economic game plan should simulteniously reprioritize the global USA armed forces and bases (reducing multi-billions more). By continue to "graduate" the foreign bases to its soverignty state and controls. Graduate should also mean that internal policy and specialized forces (ie: opportunity for remote/virtual management providers) may continue to maintainance of those States.   The overall plans to reshape the future economic trend of a shrinking middle class and expand the working class with more opportunities through the needs for more Education and Training.  The Internet is the answer to low-cost education as it delivers high-quality training. The middle class will grow leaps if the communication technology is there to help them... Expand the fundings NTIA and maintain BTOP programming and prioritize all Fiber to the Home initiatives.  Every dollar invested in broadband, the economy will see 10x or 100x returns within all sectors and levels of economy and allowing high levels of innovations. NTIA has a significant budget that will provide funding with states and counties as well as community initiatives. There is over $10 billion dollars in federal funding available for direct and in-direct Broadband initiatives as well as any tele-whatever education funding.

Hawaii ranks 49th in the USA in broadband access.  So if you think your 3mb or 7mb connection to the Internet is fast.  There are kids at home in CA surfing the net at 20mb and some schools and businesses accessing high-quality instructional applications at 100mb.

So as part of getting the troops home, the need to transfer more technology to society should also occur to boost healthcare and education. To start building economies within states, local governments at the states and county level could take better adavantage of BTOP findings and allow the ARRA program to directly fund more projects that are needed such as State and local law enforcement assistance grants to improve criminal justice systems, assist crime victims and mentor youths.   Expand law enforcements to combat Internet crimes against children.  Expanding Community Oriented Policing Services such as "Smart Security". Education is the key to enable job creation. 

To learn more check out these sites:

Aloha, have a great Hawaiian Day!

John Sydney Yamane

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