Recently, I have come across this infographic floating around the web that I believe deserves more attention. You can see the full version here. It illustrates the labor pool shortage we are experiencing in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) related fields. Some key…
ContinueAdded by Joseph Lui on March 27, 2013 at 4:13pm — 3 Comments
Many of us have either had the urge to write a book or spew some sort of long-winded excrement of words. Maybe it's a story that's been bouncing around in your head, a piece of history you would like to document, or a coalescence of documentation/blog posts on a subject you are passionate about. Regardless of the reason they all require the same thing. The ability to…
ContinueAdded by Chris Sass on March 25, 2013 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments
When I first learned javascript, I mainly used the jQuery library for small interactions (select something/do something) and adding very basic behavior to the websites I worked on. At the time, it was no big deal to just throw all of my simple jQuery methods and functions in a .js file…
ContinueAdded by Mike King on March 22, 2013 at 4:41pm — 4 Comments
It wasn't so long ago that functional programming seemed to be an arcane science. If you knew Haskell, Standard ML, or Common Lisp, you've either been programming for a very long time, involved in computer science research, or just had a lot of free time on your hands. However, functional programming has been making a comeback with…
ContinueAdded by George Lee on March 22, 2013 at 1:22pm — 4 Comments
I've recently setup a 'Kitchen Counter Factory' consisting of a Makerbot Replicator2 3D printer and a Shapeoko CNC Milling machine. Together these offer powerful prototyping capabilities. One machine to make things and another machine to modify them. I can offer these services at a more competitive rate than from a mainland or overseas fabricator. If you need customized parts let me know at and we'll see what we can make.
Added by Kurt Olsen on March 18, 2013 at 4:36pm — No Comments
On March 11, 2011 a magnitude 9.03 earthquake rocked Japan, which resulted in a devastating 133 feet tsunami and a level 7 nuclear meltdown.
Out of this chaos good samaritans built and open sourced hardware to assist in recording radiation levels. The Make blog has an update on this project.
Remembering Japan – Contribute to a Fantastic…
ContinueAdded by Christopher Kobayashi on March 12, 2013 at 8:44pm — No Comments
Xamarin Studio is an IDE that allows developers to create iOS, Android and Mac apps using C#. Recently Xamarin released Xamarin Studio 2.0 and along with a free Starter edition. While the Starter edition is very limited it allows developers to see what Xamarin Studio is like and how writing Android apps using C# works. I was hoping to create an iOS app, but it turns out a Mac is still required in order to write iOS apps even…
ContinueAdded by Douglas Ching on March 8, 2013 at 10:00am — 1 Comment
New cool platform for your online application. Allows you to scale up on-demand and run all your critical application ( web apps,etc) online using 'heroku's Cloud Application Platform.
Added by John Sydney Yamane on March 7, 2013 at 7:19pm — No Comments
Keys to a success leads
. choose higher priced products
. Look for products that are generating tons of pre-launch buzz
. Look for products with recurring commissions built in or cookies that are good for multiple products.
. Look for people having lauches who you'd like to meet personally or do business with
. Check your inbox (look for product buzzzz)
contact the person doing the launch and ask them for ideas... their JV blog is a good start
Added by John Sydney Yamane on March 7, 2013 at 1:46am — No Comments
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