
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Truman Leung
  • Male
  • Honolulu, HI
  • United States
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Truman Leung's Friends

  • Dio Pilar
  • Dayne Kat0
  • Rechung Fujihira
  • JK
  • Iqbal Ashraf
  • Mary St. John
  • Quincy Solano
  • Roger Dunn
  • Keith Powers
  • Tom Hemenway
  • Mark Santoki
  • Scott McDonald
  • Nathaniel Kinney
  • Jacob Quist
  • Samantha Crow

Profile Information

Database Developer, Software Developer, Web Developer
Ascribe Data Systems
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
HTML, Javascript, PHP, SQL
Secondary Website:
Twitter Username

Truman Leung's Groups

Truman Leung's Discussions

Massive drop in users unlikely due to PRISM, but ...
3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Truman Leung Jun 14, 2013.

Making the Switch ... Back to Windows
5 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Brian Oct 4, 2011.

What does your desk setup look like?
11 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Marcus Sortijas May 11, 2011.

What are you doing re IPv6?
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Paul Graydon Feb 14, 2011.

Big Brother Obama's Orwellian Internet
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Paul Graydon Oct 3, 2010.

Two Mice, One Computer ... a better way?
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Truman Leung Aug 26, 2009.

What mouse do you use?
13 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Roger Garrett Jul 21, 2009.

Stock Photography Models
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stephen McMahon Apr 21, 2009.

Software Sales Videos
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Truman Leung Jun 16, 2009.

5 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gus Higuera Jan 27, 2010.


cloudless morning, like rain

Truman Leung's Blog

Amazon buys Zappos: Lessons from Bezos

Amazon announced last night that it bought Zappos for about 10 million Amazon stock, worth $807 million, and $40 million in cash and stock to Zappos employees.

In the following video, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos tells an interesting story of what he has learned and why Zappos is a great fit for Amazon. It seems that Amazon bought Zappos because they have the same values (i.e., customer… Continue

Posted on July 23, 2009 at 1:00pm

Cloud-based Content Delivery (Amazon vs. Rackspace)


Amazon's file storage service is called S3 (or Simple Storage Service). Files stored on S3 can be downloaded directly from S3 servers to your end user's browser. Amazon has a

content delivery network (CDN) called

CloudFront which can take your files stored in S3 and… Continue

Posted on April 10, 2009 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

Expression Web SuperPreview

Last summer, I made the switch to a MacBookPro as my main web development system. Since then I have been slack in testing my web designs with Internet Explorer. It's time now to start making sure my web designs are cross-platform compatible, not just Firefox-friendly. I have

VMWare Fusion installed on my Mac with Windows XP and Ubuntu. Running Fusion slows down my system (with 4 GB of SDRAM) so I use it sparingly. However, with Fusion I… Continue

Posted on April 8, 2009 at 10:36am — 6 Comments

Hbase and EC2 for Google-like Search

I have built a SaaS company based on PHP and MySQL running on cPanel accounts with each customer running their own separate MySQL database. At some point I would like to create various applications for searching of data across customers. That's not possible right now because each customer is using a separate database.

I just discovered… Continue

Posted on March 17, 2009 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Adobe ConnectNow: Free Web Conferencing

Running a small web based software-as-a-service (SAAS) company, most of my customer contact is via the web (website forms and email). Only a select few of my customers actually have my telephone number. However, it's high time to add web conferencing and video as a means of improving communication with customers. If pictures speak a thousand words, perhaps video speaks ten thousand. In the past, I've researched… Continue

Posted on August 13, 2008 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

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At 11:49pm on April 8, 2012, Christopher Kobayashi said…

Konichiwa Truman. Sorry for the 4 year delay in responding (^^;;  I just moved back to Honolulu last year and reconnecting.

I love jQuery! I've tried YUI and prototype too, but it didn't feel as intuitive as jQuery. How about you?

At 7:49am on January 11, 2010, Jared I. Kuroiwa said…
Just checking on how you were doing... it's been a while.
At 10:02am on October 15, 2009, Roger Dunn said…
Never heard. Send me a link to

I am sure it's similar to popup Chinese or adsotrans, etc

who is developer?

My technology useful to someone who's learned at least one year. It's not for very beginners

Translation from Chinese to english is not easy nor well developed due to the lack of native English speakers who have a strong command of Chinese.

We can meet in person and discuss my technology. I am looking for investors and software developers. But first I need my patent approved
At 9:30am on October 15, 2009, Roger Dunn said…
It is...I will see you there? Call me when you get there 722-6288. find me on facebook too
At 4:33am on October 15, 2009, Fred Baclig said…
Hey Truman is the co-working group still going? I need to get my code on!
At 1:11am on August 15, 2009, Scott McDonald said…
Thanks Truman!! Just sent you an email...
At 7:57pm on July 25, 2009, Jared I. Kuroiwa said…
Definitely! Like I said, I've been meaning to meet you for a while and have read about what you were doing from the 2,000 ft. level.

Take care and see you soon.
At 9:16pm on April 25, 2009, Andy Bumatai said…
Oh, I see. So you're saying you "cockroached" the idea for your costume. The string that operated the wings was a precursor to your tech future. Glad I was of some help back then.
At 12:09am on March 30, 2009, Derek said…
Aloha Truman?

You think so? It's only two computers with two monitors each. =D
At 12:56pm on March 29, 2009, Bruce Kim said…
Hi Truman, Dan Leuck tells me that you are a javascript guru. I'm working on a mobile app and am looking for a really talented javascript developer. Are you interested and available?

Truman Leung's Videos

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web design, web development, localization

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