
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Michal Anne Rogondino
  • Honolulu, HI
  • United States
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Michal Anne Rogondino's Friends

  • Zehra Abbas Zaidi
  • Eric Quakenbush
  • Burt Lum
  • Gabe Morris
  • Mika Leuck
  • Daniel Leuck

Michal Anne Rogondino's Groups


Michal Anne Rogondino's Page

Profile Information

Consultant, Executive, Other
Rocket Communications, Inc.
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Human Interface Design, User Experience, Visual Interface Design, Icon Design, Web Applications, ASP design, Visual Language Design, Mac OS X
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
ASP, C++, C#, Flash/Flex, HTML, Java, Javascript, JSP, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, XML, Other
About Me:
My UX education and career began in 1989 at Apple Computer. In 1992 I founded Rocket Communications, a company focused exclusively on the design and creation of User Experiences for software and applications. I have lived in Honolulu for over ten years and commute to San Francisco an average of one week a month to work with my team and our clients. I thrive on working with smart, creative enthusiastic people. When I'm not working I enjoy being outdoors, having fun with my spouse and our kids.
Secondary Website:
Twitter Username

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At 3:14pm on February 6, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
After chatting at lunch it struck me that you and Viil Lid have a lot of common interests. She is also a UI person and she speaks fluent Italian :-) Viil started the User Experience group where we have an interesting discussion going regarding the iPhone's use of the drag gesture.
At 11:56am on January 15, 2008, Truman Leung said…
I would love to meet up to talk about GUIs. Perhaps we can start a GUI meetup. I'll post something up on the forum. I was very impressed by your presentation and was happy to learn that there are world-class Internet pros right here in Honolulu.
At 11:26pm on January 13, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
Very interesting. For a UI company, Apple is about the most impressive customer you could have!

re: Lunch

Sure! We are going to be in Madagascar for part of Feb, but I don't yet have firm dates. I'll follow up on email.
At 12:37pm on January 13, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
I also enjoyed the GUI session. I was interested in hearing more about Rocket's work on desktop operating system UIs and desktop applications.

Michal Anne - Has rocket done any work for your old employer on OSX or other high profile apple desktop applications? I realize an NDA may prevent you from commenting.
At 11:15am on January 13, 2008, Truman Leung said…
Hi Michal Anne, it was great to hear your brief talk yesterday about GUI design. What a lively discussion afterwards! I was hoping the discussion would lean more toward GUI design principles rather than the development methodology between teams. But it was interesting nonetheless. Aloha, Truman Leung


web design, web development, localization

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