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Gabe Morris
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  • Hery The
  • Iqbal Ashraf
  • Keith Powers
  • Lynn Powers
  • Tetsuzan Benny Ron
  • Nathaniel Kinney
  • Samantha Crow
  • Zehra Abbas Zaidi
  • Kaveh Kardan
  • Jose A. Perez
  • Steven Caires
  • Jennifer Veltri Kirsch
  • Brian
  • Alan Yue
  • Brooke Burnham

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Gabe Morris's Discussions

Some lessons from NYC?

Started Jan 28, 2013

Hawaiian Hope and its founder, TecHui Member Curtis Kropar, featured in Star-Bulletin
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Daniel Leuck Dec 29, 2009.


Gabe Morris's Page

Profile Information

Consultant, Project Manager
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Foreign Languages, International Relations, Online Media
About Me:
Native New Yorker that moved out to Honolulu in August 06. For my day job, I consult at a DoD research institute on Asian politics ( located in Waikiki regarding some of their online initiatives.

Nights and weekends I help out on - a site for language learning through online video - that I started back in New York with some colleagues who work on it full-time while I'm out here.

Past experience is primarily in the field of international relations. I've served as an election observer in Indonesia, East Timor, and Ethiopia and worked on financial sector modernization in developing countries.

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At 12:05pm on February 4, 2010, Truman Leung said…
Congratulations on winning the contest, Gabe!!
At 4:34pm on July 7, 2009, Nathaniel Kinney said…
Thanks Gabe for the Apps for Democracy link. Iʻm going to check it out in a few minutes.
At 1:17pm on June 20, 2009, Samantha Crow said…
No Ultimate, sigh. Truth be told, I'm not even very good at throwing an Aerobie, I just really like it :)

When I was about to graduate from college, I was sitting in my dorm room feeling totally clueless about what comes next when I saw my Aerobie propped against the wall. So I looked them up and emailed them begging for a job... and there I was for my first year out of college!

You an Aerobie fan?
At 11:27am on April 1, 2009, Viil said…
Hi Gabe,
it was nice to meet you at the GUI meetup yesterday. Thanks for the sushi :)
At 10:27pm on March 17, 2009, Yu Xian He said…
Hi Gabe,
Unfortunately, I'm no pro at GUI (just a novice programmer) and the CG imaging I've done aren't professional. Thanks for the invite though, I will keep it in mind :)
At 11:47am on December 21, 2008, Truman Leung said…
Hey Gabe, how's life in NY? ... I feel like I haven't been on TechHui in forever.
At 11:17pm on November 24, 2008, Daniel Leuck said…
We used french.yabla to learn a bit of the language before going to Madagascar. Its a great app - easily the best language learning site I've seen. I also discovered a great new artist while watching the videos.
At 4:20pm on September 11, 2008, Damian Davila said…
Hey Gabe and Truman,

Sorry to jump into the conversation but I couldn't help notice that you guys were talking about a Spanish website! looks really cool and it is a great way to practice your Spanish AND create awareness about the different accents that we have (I am a native Spanish speaker).

Thank you for the great find!


At 5:41pm on September 8, 2008, Truman Leung said…
Hey Gabe, I just watched the demo video on That girl IS spunky! I can see why people like her a lot and ask to see more videos by her. I like her, too.

I'm thinking to cancel the Jelly this week due to a lack of interest. Let me know if you want to meet up for lunch instead.
At 11:33pm on September 3, 2008, Rob Farrow said…
Awesome Gabe, like to hear that is spreading...We will be in NY on the 15th-19th and doing a big event with path101 and nextNY ( ) if you have any friends that want to come and hang out, please feel free to forward the invite.


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