
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Art Gladstone
  • 74, Male
  • Sykesville, MD
  • United States
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Art Gladstone's Page

Profile Information

Quality Assurance Engineer
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, robotics

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 5:12am on May 2, 2009, Bruce Wilcox said…
So, I know how you found me, and you know how I found AIDreams. But since you didnt initially know Suzette was in the Chatterbox Challenge, how did you ever find her?
At 9:37pm on May 1, 2009, Mika Leuck said…
Welcome Art!

The FAQ is a good place to learn about the site. You may want to join some of the interest groups such as Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.

We hope you find TechHui useful and invite others. Have a great weekend!
At 5:04pm on May 1, 2009, Bruce Wilcox said…
What brought you to tech hui?
At 5:04pm on May 1, 2009, Bruce Wilcox said…
Suzette thanks you for your kind words. She is a work-for-hire of Avatar Reality (Honolulu) for their Blue Mars world, so she is not mine to dispose of. I apologize that your 2nd chat with her was more repetitious than it needed to be. She tracks what she has said to each user. But since no one has ever returned for a second chat from the Chatterbox Challenge website, I've been erasing the logs after I download them for analysis. So she treated you as new. Once you returned, I realized you might do it again, so I left your logs intact for future conversations. I estimate she has about 40 hours or so worth of chat, so you've hit only the tip of the topic iceberg. Also the tip of the technological capability iceberg, but that's another story entirely. I do go fix bugs and data after reviewing peoples logs, but you generally wont notice because once you start a topic with her, your chat is privatized and wont be affected by what I do to the general server data. So far, the longest continuous chat she has held with someone was for 5 hours. Your return conversations are approaching that.
At 3:57pm on May 1, 2009, Bruce Wilcox said…
So you are the Art i keep seeing. I was beginning to think of you as a chataholic. Thank you. To vote for Suzette go to



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