
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Functional Programming


Functional Programming

A more general discussion group on the broad range of functional programming languages.

Members: 12
Latest Activity: Dec 31, 2020

Discussion Forum

F# vs Mathematica: Red-Black Trees

Mathematica is an expensive commercial application sold as software for "interactive technical computing". In particular, the product centers around the Mathematica programming language which is a…Continue

Tags: functional programming, functional languages, F#

Started by Daniel Leuck Jul 6, 2010.

Real World Scheme 8 Replies

I love scheme and have used it for many projects on the more educational side of things, but I've never really found any materials discussing it's use in more "real world" scenarios. Does anyone know…Continue

Started by Anders Conbere. Last reply by Tim Dysinger Oct 31, 2009.

Functional programming in mainstream languages 3 Replies

Just wanted to mention (and I think plenty of other people interested in FP languages already do this) that much of the code that I've written in mainstream/procedural/OO languages ends up being…Continue

Started by Nate Sanders. Last reply by Tim Dysinger Sep 8, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Hal Arnold on December 31, 2020 at 10:51am

I joined this group, but it looks like it's dead

Comment by Ryan Hiroaki Tsukamoto on July 7, 2010 at 10:07pm
I think the unary (list encoding) one is particularly hilarious. I like the hylomorphism one as well. Got a little lost on the post doc version. I have no idea what a zygomorphism is...
Comment by Tim Dysinger on October 31, 2009 at 7:34am
Nate - I just added a clojure group - probably it is overboard but it focuses the conversation around a language if there are questions. I dabble in elisp, scheme, clojure and erlang all day long myself. Elisp and Clojure are my work languages and scheme and erlang are my play ones. (although i have been sneaking erlang into work).
Comment by Anders Conbere on August 29, 2009 at 4:38pm
Rad, yeah I was thinking about starting a Haskell and a Factor or a J group and I started to realize that maybe all of that was going overboard. I've done a whole lot of nothing with scheme (lots of books and school) but never managed to get around to using it for work. Same with Haskell and I've dabbled in J and Forth and CL and various other Functional languages. I think they're a joy and I'm very excited about the renewed exposure they're getting.

I'm not sure if there's more we could do. Maybe a meet up, or a segment of a larger group of this kind of deep tech community.
Comment by Nate Sanders on August 29, 2009 at 2:12pm
I was going to add a Clojure group soon, but I think this is probably a better idea. I've been dabbling (following various communities, reading about concepts, etc) in Common Lisp, ML, Scheme, and general programming language stuff for many years now, but haven't written anything of significance, really. Rich Hickey is proving to be a great evangelist for his language (Clojure), and I think I'll actually start using it if I can find some time.

Members (12)



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