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The latest hit in real time social media

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Discussion Forum

Monetizing Foursquare

Aloha kakou,So I've been up on Foursquare for a few months now and have enjoyed it. I think it's a fun engaging way to get out and explore your city. I only have a couple of mayorships (one of them…Continue

Tags: Social, Media, Development, Technology, Innovative

Started by Kimo Watanabe Jul 14, 2010.

Forget being the mayor of a location, Gowalla offers FREE stuff on the spot

Now, this is where I see Gowalla having an advantage over FourSquare. Pretty great idea. Instead of offering deals to only people who are mayors of locations, Gowalla is offering deals to everyone…Continue

Started by Gus Higuera Jun 16, 2010.

First impression

First impression: seems like a stream update version of twitter, i.e., comments are popping up as you watch and thus it is less static. …Continue

Tags: aquaculturehub, aquaculture, twitter, media, social

Started by Tetsuzan Benny Ron Apr 17, 2010.


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Comment Wall


You need to be a member of FourSquare to add comments!

Comment by Christine Koroki on November 2, 2011 at 4:27pm

If you guys are interested, HICapacity will be having a FourSqure hackathan this Saturday. It starts 11am at The Box Jelly, Hawai‘i's coworking space.

Hackathon Rules for FourSquare

- Must write original code. All libraries that are used must be
documented (git submodule) or word of mouth ok. This is enforced only
casually. Be sensible!
- It’s ok to use other people’s ideas but come up with something
original. Of course this will count towards your score.
- Respect others during the hackathon. No sabotage!
- Code must be open source. Must commit to Github using a public

Voting Categories (Out of 5 points each)

- Originality
- Completeness
- Usefulness
- Design


Comment by Kevin Folan on May 3, 2010 at 9:43pm
FourSquare Cops - web parody of cops chasing people breaking FourSquare etiquette - like checking in when not actually at the place. I like the 'victim' in Episode 1: "He's trying to steal my mayorship - He's trying TO STEAL my MAYORSHIP!".
Comment by Patrick Ahler on April 19, 2010 at 3:55pm
Quickie Review: FourSquare has influenced my purchasing decisions over the last 2 weeks, I got HotCakes at Liliha Bakery and the Opakapaka at Uncle Bo's. I even got a deal at one place. But as a competition for mayorships or points it doesn't seem to fit my personal style and I do end up worrying about "over sharing". Even though I guess it gives me a constant alibi. I will use it to post an occasional rave/vent, but I won't be checking in everywhere I go to earn points. Give me points based on how quality my tip is and decide Mayors from there and I think it's a more interesting concept.
Comment by Kevin Folan on April 18, 2010 at 10:31pm
Interesting post on TechCrunch on rumors of FourSquare sale to Yahoo:
Don’t Sell Out, Foursquare. Not Now. Not To Yahoo.

Seems odd if the founder felt that Google did not properly care for his previous company, that Yahoo would do better.
Comment by Eugene T. Staten II on April 15, 2010 at 4:00pm
I just joined Foursquare a couple of minutes ago and downloaded its android app to my phone.

Now I can explore Maui and share my experiences.
Comment by Quincy Solano on April 14, 2010 at 1:40pm
Hey Patrick! Thanks for adding me to the group. I really think it is a good idea to start a group that will possibly catch on. I just recently signed up:

Find me on foursquare:
Comment by Patrick Ahler on April 14, 2010 at 6:22am
Realtime web is the hot new thing (twitter, oneriot, 4square, etc...), it's easy to be skeptical because it's so new, but in the long run with the proper adjustments this type of technology is a crucial step for the advancement of the web. So you can either sit back and be a critic, or jump in and establish an early niche for yourself.

In regards to foursquare vs gowalla, I haven't used gowalla yet but will definitely check it out. I looked at them a few weeks ago and found their website to be horrendous. Foursquare definitely has a big leg up on them though with the Microsoft contract (Bing!).
Comment by Kevin Folan on April 13, 2010 at 10:22pm
@Brian Gowalla certainly seems to be much nicer looking overall. Just can't get psyched up to check in with 2 apps everywhere I go. It would be great to see something _kinda like yelp_ but without the conflict-of-interest business model.
Comment by Kevin Folan on April 13, 2010 at 10:07pm
I used foursquare just b/c there was a native android client and gowalla did not have one (at the time). Still not sure what the benefits are but check-ins are almost a habit now.
Comment by Attila Seress on April 13, 2010 at 10:01pm
It's a cool idea. I like foursquare.

Wish I had more time to spend money, go out, have fun and then write about it (whew!). Just got tired thinking about it.

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