
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community


Big Island Techies

A group for techies on the Big Island.

Location: Big Island, Hawaii
Members: 56
Latest Activity: Jan 31, 2016

Discussion Forum

Introductions 21 Replies

Started by Chris Kutler. Last reply by Mike Purvis Nov 3, 2013.

August 14th Invitation

Started by larry Aug 3, 2010.

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Comment by Chris Kutler on October 7, 2009 at 9:06am
Hi all, I joined this community in hopes that I can meet others who enjoy the same passions that I do in regards to software and internet technologies. I can't tell if I am in the right group, so let me know if I got it wrong. I am a remote worker in South Kohala with a focus on web development technologies.
Comment by Merlin Matthews on March 31, 2009 at 7:48am
Bill, perhaps a number of us could get together and start building PC's on the BI. There seem to be a lot of tech shops, at least three-four that deal with repairs, but none that exclusively build machines and sell them.
Comment by Bill on March 31, 2009 at 1:11am
My coworkers are all computer science professors. There are a good handful of them. The observatories employ a gaggle of Java, C, .NET, etc. coders, as well as web designers. There are a surprising number of Net cafes in both Hilo and a couple in Kona. Some of them custom build computers for people, amazingly enough.
Comment by Merlin Matthews on March 30, 2009 at 10:15pm
There are more then two techs, but depends on how many actually use TechHui. My best guess is most are either in Hilo U, running small businesses on their own (hand up), or Kona-side running Net cafes for the tourists there.
Comment by Attila Seress on March 30, 2009 at 5:00pm
There's only 2 techs on the big island?
Comment by Bill on March 30, 2009 at 3:18pm connectivity is adaquate here, It helps to be at the university in Hilo.
Comment by Bill on March 30, 2009 at 3:18pm
hi, I'm here. What's up 808blooger?

Well, if you have a contract with anyone in the world you can typically fulfill it from Big Island :)
Comment by Attila Seress on January 12, 2009 at 7:36pm
How about as an indie on-site repair guy? Are there any businesses out there with computer networks?
Comment by Merlin Matthews on January 12, 2009 at 7:32pm
Just about nothing Hilo-side, unless you really want to work in a store with the customers, at least that I've seen.
Comment by Attila Seress on January 12, 2009 at 10:55am
Just wondering - what kind of IT work is available on the big island? I live on Oahu so I'm familiar with this market and I've heard that there's not much opportunity out there.

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web design, web development, localization

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